AUTUMN 2019 | 51
- Putting on the style
Despitethe best efforts of modernmaterials forusdirtbikers,
theeclassic waxedcottonnever goes out of fashion.This stylish,
tradditional garmentint he picturehas just joined theRocksh ocks
rannge and is styledforladiesratherthan blokes.Asf or the
maale versio nthe ladies' jacket is made fromaheavy-duty12oz
waxedcotton and is cut inaclassicfour pocket style withabelt
toccinch in thewaist.The black jacket is made using traditional
tecchniques andcomes withRocksh ocks'colourful logo and a
coooltartan lining.
Theegarment, wh ichcomes inarange of sizes,features pockets
witthastud fastening; stormcuffs; amap pocket and has the
thrroatadjustmentonaroller buckle;typically the frontzip is
prootected by astuddedflap.
Whatis it?It’s anewly introduced blackwaxedcotton
mootorcycle jacket.
Whered’youget it?From Rocksh ocks direct
What’s thecost?Thecost forsuch style is £99 ifyousee themat
ashhow or event, though P&Pcharges will apply if they sendyou
wwww.rocksh orgive themacall on 01234 741800
- To pend
Howmanytimes doesapiston travel the length ofabarrel
duringaride? It's gotto be alot,taking anaverageof
5000rpm duringarace, thatequatesto800 metresaminute
on an 80mm stroke engine...isitany wonder theywear?No
problem,rebore,fitanew one andaway yougo... but whatif
your engine isvery oldand the original maker is long gone?
Not so easy.Luckilyforowners and users of 350 JAP singles,
RobBarnardatPEC Motorcycles can help.He’srecently
introducedanew pistonforthe 350 JAPsand has sentusapic.
Forged from 4032 alloythereare three sizes: 74mm, 74.25mm
and 74.50mm and have aslippertype skirtwith ptfecoating.
Thecrown designhas thevalvepocket thatmatches valveface
Whatis it?Anew pistonfor350ccJAP engines.
Whered’youget it?DirectfromPEC Motorcycles.
What’s thecost?It’s set youback£275 plusVATand postage.
HowdoIget one?From PECMotorcyc les on 01376 583024
- Lubing up
Therehave been anynumber of advances in oilsforengines
sincewebeganrefining the crude stuff.These days,the choice
is seemingly bewildering and some help is neededto navigate
through the choices.Millers Oils sentusi nformation on their
20/50Multigrade which is suitableforolder engines,V-twin
engines and other engines which operateinsever econditions.It
is asemi-synthetic lubricantwhich meets all sorts of standards
and criteria according to the information leaflet.Typically such a
multigrade acts asathin oil whencold butretains the aspectof
aheavier oil when hot,thus providing lubricationat either end
of the scale.
Whatis it?Millers Oils semi-synthetic 20w50
Whered’youget it?From Millers
What’s thecost?Afour litrecontainer willcost £40 on their
HowdoIget some?Go on to http://www.millersoils.c and use the
dealer locator.