Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

36 S MAGAZINE ★ 18 AUGUST 2019

Sex matters Doctor, doctor

Dr Rosemary Leonard MBE is a GP with many years’
experience working in London’s top teaching hospitals


Instead of tampons and pads,
I’d like to use a menstrual cup.
Is there a risk of infection or
toxic shock syndrome?
Menstrual cups are bell-shaped
devices made from medical
grade silicone, placed into the
vagina to collect menstrual
blood. The cup is then emptied,
washed and reused. A recent
study showed that there is no
difference in infection rates
between cup users and those
using tampons. There have

been occasional reports of
toxic shock syndrome in cup
users, but again there is no
evidence of increased risk of
this compared to tampons. To
reduce the risk, change the cup
often and remember to take it
out at the end of your period.

Our agony aunt gets to the heart of your relationship problems JANE O’GORMAN’S
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* Calls cost 80p per minute plus your
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charge and last approximately four minutes.

Was it wrong to bring my baby to a wedding?

children to weddings is a touchy
subject: brides don’t like the noise
(or competition), while parents
worry about practicalities and like
to have their children with them.
Why not apologise to your cousin,
making it clear that you misread
the situation? You never meant to
upset her but don’t have £500 to
spare. Tell her that you would hate
this to come between you. Can
you buy her lunch, when things are
calmer, in an effort to start again?

I deliberately made the whole
day about me and that I cruelly
brought the baby because I know
she can’t have children. I didn’t
know that. She suggests I “make
it up” by sending £500 so that
she and her husband can enjoy a
mini-break to compensate for the
ruined honeymoon. I’m fuming...
I’m in no doubt that you’re hugely
proud of your beautiful daughter,
but you should have checked with
the bride beforehand. Bringing

Contact Jane at S Magazine, Second Floor,
Northern & Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames
Street, London EC3R 6EN or email jane.
[email protected]. Jane regrets that
she cannot reply personally to your letters.

mother have been remembered.
Don’t become angry or focus
your grief on this matter. Please
contact your GP or check out if you feel you’d
benefit from help or support.

death last month. Certain people
have revealed themselves to be
lazy and insincere. Would it have
killed them to buy a stamp and
send me a proper, handwritten
card offering condolence? My
oldest friend, in particular, has
bitterly disappointed me.
These are different times and
you cannot allow yourself to be
insulted or dragged down by the
behaviour of certain people. You
consider a handwritten card an
appropriate form of sympathy,
which is absolutely fine, but at
least these friends have bothered
to get in touch. Everyone has a
busy life with various demands on
time and money; you and your late

cannot allow her to get under
your skin. You know that you have
friends and family who love you,
so put her childish dig out of
your mind and rise above it. If it’s
not possible to speak to her or
someone in higher authority, then
think about your future options.
You don’t have to stay in this
particular job forever.

They haven’t sent a

condolence card

I’ve been insulted by the number
of so-called friends who have
posted trite, inappropriate
messages (and emojis) on social
media following my mother’s

Over the years my wife has
conducted numerous affairs.
She has always expected me
to forgive and forget without
any criticism. Now she’s gone
too far by having sex with my
stepbrother – I actually walked
in on them in our bed. How do
I make her understand that
this is it? I’ve told her that
I want a divorce but she’s had
the audacity to suggest that
I’m overreacting.
Until now, your wife has
succeeded in brazening out her
selfish behaviour. But we all

have our limits and it sounds
as though you’ve reached
yours. A line was crossed
when you caught her with your
stepbrother in your own home
and now she has to hear
that you won’t take any more
humiliation or betrayal. It’s
always sad when a marriage
ends, but was she ever
respectful of you or truly
committed to your relationship?
If you want that divorce, then
make it happen. Hopefully,
you’ll go on to meet someone
new who truly appreciates you.

When my cousin put “no children”
on her wedding invitation I
assumed it meant for catering
purposes. My seven-month baby
is still being breastfed so I took
her along. Admittedly she did
cry during the ceremony and
speeches but she’s teething.
My husband and I did our best
to keep her quiet. Now I’ve had
an angry email from my cousin
accusing us of ruining her
experience. She claims that

How dare my boss

embarrass me

My ego-driven boss humiliated me
at my own party. I made the error
of introducing her to my parents
as “my friend”. She barked that
she was most certainly not my
friend and sniffed that I should
remember my place and not
presume to be overfamiliar. Now
the atmosphere at work is frosty
and awkward. How dare she be
so high-handed when I know that
privately she’s bitter and alone?
Your boss sounds like a sad,
conflicted individual. If her status
at work is all she has, if her
position defines her, then you

Contact Dr Leonard at S Magazine,
Sunday Express, Second Floor, Northern
and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames
Street, London EC3R 6EN, or email dr.
[email protected]. Dr Leonard
regrets that she cannot reply personally to
letters. Read her column every Tuesday in
the Daily Express.

Jane O’Gorman

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