Sunday Magazine - 18.08.2019

(vip2019) #1
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.00am Weekend Breakfast. 10.00
Anthems. 11.00 Jordan North.
1.00pm Dev And Alice. 4.00 Life
Hacks. 6.00 The Official Chart. 7.00
Chillest Show. 9.00 Rock Show.
11.00 BBC Music Introducing On
Radio 1. 1.00am Radio 1’s Residency
3.00 Artist Takeover. 4.00-6.30am
Early Breakfast. RADIO 2 (FM:
88-91MHz) 6.00am Good Morning
Sunday. 9.00 Sunday Love Songs.
11.00 Michael Ball Show. 1.00pm
Elaine Paige. 3.00 Sounds Of The
70s. 5.00 Matt Lucas. 7.00 Claudia.

9.00 The Years That Changed Britain
Forever. 10.00 The Swing & Big Band
Show. 11.00 Don Black. 12.00m’t OJ
Borg. 3.00-5.00am Sounds Of The
60s. RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-92.4MHz)
7.00am Breakfast. 9.00 News. 9.02
Sunday Morning. 12.00noon Private
Passions. 1.00 Proms Chamber Music

  1. 2.00 The Early Music Show.
    3.00 Choral Evensong. 4.00 BBC
    Proms 2019. 6.15 Words And Music.
    7.30 BBC Proms 2019. 10.00 Early
    Music Late. 11.00 Jacob Collier’s
    Music Room. 12.00m’t Classical Fix.
    12.30-6.30am Through The Night.

RADIO 4 (FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz)
5.30am News. 5.43 Bells On Sunday.
5.45 Four Thought. 6.00 News. 6.05
Something Understood. 6.35 On
Your Farm. 7.00 News. 7.10 Sunday.
8.00 News. 8.10 Sunday Worship.
8.48 A Point Of View. 8.58 Tweet Of
The Day. 9.00 Broadcasting House.
10.00 The Archers. 10.30 (LW)
Test Match Special. 11.15 (FM) The
Reunion. 12.00noon (FM) News.
12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04
(LW) Test Match Special. 12.04 (FM)
Just A Minute. 12.30 (FM) The Food
Programme. 1.00 (FM) The World

This Weekend. 1.30 (FM) From Our
Home Correspondent. 2.00 (FM)
Gardeners’ Question Time. 2.45
(FM) The Listening Project. 3.00 (FM)
Drama: Inspector Chen: Don’t Cry,
Tai Lake. 4.00 (FM) Open Book. 4.30
(FM) Poems For Idle Workers. 5.00
(FM) Land Power V Sea Power. 5.40
(FM) Four Thought. 5.54 Shipping
Forecast. 5.57 (LW) Test Match
Special. 6.00 (FM) News. 6.15 (FM)
Pick Of The Week. 7.00 The Archers.
7.15 Cooking In A Bedsitter. 7.45
Stillicide. 8.00 Feedback. 8.30 Last
Wo rd. 9.00 The Money Clinic. 9.30

In Business. 10.00 The Westminster
Hour. 11.00 The Moth Radio Hour.
11.50 A Point Of View. 12.00m’t
News. 12.15 Mastertapes. 12.45
Bells On Sunday. 12.48 Shipping
Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service.
5.20-5.30am Shipping Forecast.
RADIO 5 LIVE (MW: 909/993
kHz) 5.00am 5 Live Science. 6.00
Sunday Breakfast. 9.00 SportsWeek.
10.00 Eddie Hearn. 11.00 That Peter
Crouch Podcast. 11.30 5 Live Sport.
6.30pm 6-0-6. 8.00 Peter Allen
And Caroline Barker. 10.00 Stephen
Nolan. 1.00-5.00am Up All Night.

92.4-92.7MHz, MW: 810 (Dumfries
585) kHz) 6.00am Bulletin. 6.02
Brainwaves. 6.30 New Every
Sunday. 7.00 Bulletin. 7.00 Outdoor
Conditions. 7.04 Classic Scottish
Albums. 7.30 Grow It. 8.00 Good
Morning Scotland. 10.00 Bulletin.
10.05 Sunday Morning. 12.00noon
Bulletin. 12.05 Sportsound. 5.00
Take The Floor. 7.00 Bulletin. 7.05
Jazz Nights. 9.00 Bulletin: The latest
headlines. 9.05 Classics Unwrapped.
11.00 Bulletin. 11.05 Iain Anderson.
1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.30am The Radio 1 Breakfast Show.
10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Clara
Amfo. 12.45pm Newsbeat. 1.00
Scott Mills. 4.00 Nick Grimshaw.
5.45 Newsbeat. 6.00 Nick Grimshaw.
7.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds With
Annie Mac. 8.00 Radio 1’s Power
Down Playlist With Annie Mac. 9.00
Rickie, Melvin And Charlie. 11.00
Radio 1’s Indie Show With Jack
Saunders. 1.00am Radio 1’s Drum
& Bass Show With Rene LaVice.
3.00 Radio 1’s Hype Chart With Phil
Taggart. 4.00-6.30am Early Breakfast.

RADIO 2 (FM: 88-91MHz) 5.00am
Nicki Chapman. 6.30 The Amol
Rajan Breakfast Show. 9.30 Ken
Bruce. 12.00noon Jeremy Vine. 2.00
Steve Wright In The Afternoon. 5.00
Vanessa Feltz. 7.00 Jo Whiley. 9.00
The Blues Show With Huey Morgan.
10.00 Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm
Nation. 12.00m’t OJ Borg. 3.00-
5.00am Sounds Of The 70s With
Johnnie Walker. RADIO 3 (FM:
90.2-92.4MHz) 6.30am Breakfast.
9.00 Essential Classics. 11.00
Edinburgh International Festival 2019.
1.00pm News. 1.02 Proms Chamber

Music 2019. 2.00 Afternoon Concert.
5.00 In Tune. 7.00 In Tune Mixtape.
7.30 BBC Proms 2019. 10.15
Between The Ears: A Cow A Day.
10.45 The Essay: Forests. 11.00 Jazz
Now. 12.30-6.30am Through The
Night. RADIO 4 (FM: 92.4-94.6
MHz) 5.30am News Briefing. 5.43
Prayer For The Day. 5.45 Farming
Today. 5.58 Tweet Of The Day. 6.00
Today. 9.00 Reflections With Peter
Hennessy. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service.
9.45 (FM) Book of the Week:
Coventry. 10.00 Woman’s Hour.
11.00 Three Vicars Talking. 11.30

Loose Ends. 12.00noon (FM) News.
12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04
Heartburn. 12.18 You And Yours.
12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World
At One. 1.45 World War 2: The
Economic Battle. 2.00 The Archers.
2.15 Drama: The Bulbul Was Singing.
3.00 The 3rd Degree. 3.30 The Food
Programme. 4.00 Millennials In The
Workplace. 4.30 Beyond Belief. 5.00
PM. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast.
5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock
News. 6.30 Just A Minute. 7.00 The
Archers. 7.15 Front Row. 7.45 The
Country Girls. 8.00 On Baseball. 8.30

Crossing Continents. 9.00 Power
Of Petite. 9.30 Reflections With
Peter Hennessy. 9.59 Weather. 10.00
The World Tonight. 10.45 Book at
Bedtime: Heartburn. 11.00 Wo rd
Of Mouth. 11.30 Beyond Today.
12.00m’t News And Weather. 12.30
Book of the Week: Coventry. 12.48
Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC
World Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping
Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE (MW:
909/993 kHz) 5.00am Morning
Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To Money.
6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Your
Call. 10.00 The Emma Barnett Show

With Chris Warburton. 1.00pm
Nihal Arthanayake. 4.00 5 Live Drive.
7.00 5 Live Sport. 10.30 Sarah Brett.
1.00-5.00am Up All Night. RADIO
SCOTLAND (FM: 92.4-92.7MHz,
MW: 810 (Dumfries 585) kHz)
6.00am Good Morning Scotland.
9.00 Mornings. 12.00noon John
Beattie. 1.30 Our Lives With Michelle
McManus. 2.00 Bulletin. 2.05 The
Afternoon Show. 4.00 Newsdrive.
6.30 Get It On With Bryan Burnett.
9.00 Bulletin. 9.05 Vic Galloway.
11.00 Bulletin. 11.05 Iain Anderson.
1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.30am The Radio 1 Breakfast Show.
10.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 11.00 Clara
Amfo. 12.45pm Newsbeat. 1.00
Scott Mills. 4.00 Nick Grimshaw. 5.45
Newsbeat. 6.00 Nick Grimshaw. 7.00
Radio 1’s Future Sounds With Annie
Mac. 9.00 Rickie, Melvin And Charlie.
11.00 Radio 1’s Indie Show With Jack
Saunders. 1.00am Annie Nightingale.
3.00 The Reality Tea. 3.40 Radio 1
And 1Xtra’s Stories. 4.00-6.30am
Early Breakfast. RADIO 2 (FM:
88-91MHz) 5.00am Nicki Chapman.
6.30 The Amol Rajan Breakfast

Show. 9.30 Ken Bruce. 12.00noon
Jeremy Vine. 2.00 Steve Wright
In The Afternoon. 5.00 Vanessa
Feltz. 7.00 Jo Whiley. 9.00 The Jazz
Show With Jamie Cullum. 10.00
Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation.
12.00m’t OJ Borg. 3.00 Sounds Of
The 80s With Gary Davies. 4.50-
5.00am Radio 2 Sounds Of The 80s
Mastermix. RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-
92.4MHz) 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00
Essential Classics. 11.00 Edinburgh
International Festival 2019. 1.00pm
News. 1.02 Composer Of The Week:
Bologne. 2.00 Afternoon Concert.

5.00 In Tune. 7.00 In Tune Mixtape.
7.30 BBC Proms 2019. 10.00 Free
Thinking. 10.45 The Essay: Forests.
11.00 Late Junction. 12.30-6.30am
Through The Night. RADIO 4
(FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz) 5.30am News
Briefing. 5.43 Prayer For The Day.
5.45 Farming Today. 5.58 Tweet
Of The Day. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Fry’s
English Delight. 9.30 Classified
Britain. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45
(FM) Book of the Week: Coventry.
10.00 Woman’s Hour. 11.00 Power
Of Peace. 11.30 Art Of Now: Tin
Roof Symphony. 12.00noon News.

12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04
Heartburn. 12.18 Call You And Yours.
12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World
At One. 1.45 World War 2: The
Economic Battle. 2.00 The Archers.
2.15 Found. 3.00 Short Cuts. 3.30
No Triumph, No Tragedy. 4.00 Wo rd
Of Mouth. 4.30 Great Lives. 5.00
PM. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast.
5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock
News. 6.30 Austentatious. 7.00 The
Archers. 7.15 Front Row. 7.45 The
Country Girls. 8.00 Troubles Shared.
8.40 In Touch. 9.00 Science Stories.
9.30 Fry’s English Delight. 10.00

The World Tonight. 10.45 Book at
Bedtime: Heartburn. 11.00 Phil Ellis Is
Trying. 11.30 Beyond Today. 12.00m’t
News And Weather. 12.30 Book of
the Week: Coventry. 12.48 Shipping
Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World
Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping
Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE (MW:
909/993 kHz) 5.00am Morning
Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To Money.
6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Your
Call. 10.00 The Emma Barnett Show
With Chris Warburton. 1.00pm
Nihal Arthanayake. 4.00 5 Live Drive.
7.00 5 Live Sport: The Tuesday Night

Club. 10.00 5 Live Sport: The Tuffers
And Vaughan Cricket Show. 10.30
Sarah Brett. 1.00-5.00am Up All
92.4-92.7MHz, MW: 810 (Dumfries
585) kHz) 6.00am Good Morning
Scotland. 9.00 Mornings. 12.00noon
John Beattie. 1.30 Classic Scottish
Albums. 2.00 Bulletin. 2.05 The
Afternoon Show With Grant Stott.
4.00 Newsdrive. 6.30 Get It On
With Bryan Burnett. 9.00 Another
Country With Ricky Ross. 11.00
Bulletin. 11.05 Roddy Hart.
1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.30am The Radio 1 Breakfast Show
With Greg James. 10.00 Radio 1
Anthems With Clara Amfo. 11.00
Clara Amfo. 12.45pm Newsbeat.
1.00 Scott Mills. 4.00 Nick Grimshaw.
5.45 Newsbeat. 6.00 Nick Grimshaw.
7.00 Radio 1’s Future Sounds With
Annie Mac. 9.00 Rickie, Melvin And
Charlie. 11.00 Radio 1’s Indie Show
With Jack Saunders. 1.00am Benji B.
3.00 Radio 1 Anthems. 3.30 Radio 1’s
Workout Anthems. 4.00-6.30am
Adele Roberts. RADIO 2 (FM:
88-91MHz) 5.00am Nicki Chapman.

6.30 The Amol Rajan Breakfast
Show. 9.30 Ken Bruce. 12.00noon
Jeremy Vine. 2.00 Steve Wright In
The Afternoon. 5.00 Vanessa Feltz.
7.00 Jo Whiley. 9.00 The Folk Show
With Mark Radcliffe. 10.00 Tr e v o r
Nelson’s Rhythm Nation. 12.00m’t
OJ Borg. 3.00-5.00am Pick Of
The Pops. RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-
92.4MHz) 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00
Essential Classics. 11.00 Edinburgh
International Festival 2019. 1.00pm
News. 1.02 Composer Of The Week:
Bologne. 2.00 Afternoon Concert.
3.30 Choral Evensong. 4.30 New

Generation Artists. 5.00 In Tune.
7.00 In Tune Mixtape. 7.30 BBC
Proms 2019. 10.15 Free Thinking.
11.00 Late Junction. 12.30-6.30am
Through The Night. RADIO 4
(FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz) 5.30am News
Briefing. 5.43 Prayer For The Day.
5.45 Farming Today. 5.58 Tweet Of
The Day. 6.00 Today. 9.00 A Singer’s
Guide To Britain. 9.30 Four Thought.
9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM)
Book of the Week: Coventry. 10.00
Woman’s Hour. 10.55 The Listening
Project. 11.00 On Baseball. 11.30 All
Those Women. 12.00noon News.

12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04
Heartburn. 12.18 You And Yours.
12.57 Weather. 1.00 The World
At One. 1.45 World War 2: The
Economic Battle. 2.00 The Archers.
2.15 Drama: Rumpole. 3.00 The
Money Clinic. 3.30 Science Stories.
4.00 Mastertapes. 4.30 The Media
Show. 5.00 PM. 5.54 (LW) Shipping
Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six
O’Clock News. 6.30 Gaby’s Talking
Pictures. 7.00 The Archers. 7.15
Front Row. 7.45 The Country Girls.
8.00 Unreliable Evidence. 8.45 Four
Thought. 9.00 Stranger Than Sci-Fi.

9.30 A Singer’s Guide To Britain. 9.59
Weather. 10.00 The World Tonight.
10.45 Book at Bedtime: Heartburn.
11.00 The John Moloney Show.
11.15 Tez Talks. 11.30 Beyond Today.
12.00m’t News And Weather. 12.30
Book of the Week: Coventry. 12.48
Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC
World Service. 5.20-5.30am Shipping
Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE (MW:
909/993 kHz) 5.00am Morning
Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To Money.
6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00 Your
Call. 10.00 The Emma Barnett Show
With Chris Warburton. 1.00pm

Nihal Arthanayake. 4.00 5 Live Drive.
7.00 5 Live Cricket. 7.45 5 Live
Sport. 10.00 5 Live Rugby. 10.30
Sarah Brett. 1.00-5.00am Up All
92.4-92.7MHz, MW: 810 (Dumfries
585) kHz) 6.00am Good Morning
Scotland. 9.00 Mornings. 12.00noon
John Beattie. 1.30 Brainwaves. 2.00
Bulletin. 2.05 The Afternoon Show
With Janice Forsyth And Grant Stott.
4.00 Newsdrive. 6.30 Get It On With
Bryan Burnett. 9.00 Travelling Folk.
11.00 Bulletin. 11.05 Vic Galloway.
1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.30am The Radio 1 Breakfast Show.
10.00 Anthems. 11.00 Clara Amfo.
12.45pm Newsbeat. 1.00 Scott
Mills. 4.00 Nick Grimshaw. 5.45
Newsbeat. 6.00 Nick Grimshaw. 7.00
Future Sounds. 9.00 Rickie, Melvin
And Charlie. 11.00 Indie Show.
1.00am Soundsystem. 3.00 Chill
Mix. 3.30 Anthems. 4.00-6.00am
Early Breakfast. RADIO 2 (FM:
88-91MHz) 5.00am Nicki Chapman.
6.30 Breakfast Show. 9.30 Ken
Bruce. 12.00noon Jeremy Vine. 2.00
Steve Wright In The Afternoon.

5.00 Vanessa Feltz. 7.00 Jo Whiley.
9.00 The Country Show. 10.00
Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation.
12.00m’t OJ Borg. 3.00 Tracks Of
My Years. 4.00 The Craig Charles
House Party Mixtape. 4.30-5.00am
Huey Morgan’s The Times Of
Our Lives. RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-
92.4MHz) 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00
Essential Classics. 11.00 Edinburgh
International Festival 2019. 1.00pm
News. 1.02 Composer Of The Week:
Bologne. 2.00 Afternoon Concert.
5.00 In Tune. 7.00 In Tune Mixtape.
7.30 BBC Proms 2019. 10.00 Free

Thinking. 10.45 The Essay: Forests.
11.00 Late Junction. 12.30-6.30am
Through The Night. RADIO 4 (FM:
92.4-94.6 MHz) 5.30am News. 5.43
Prayer For The Day. 5.45 Farming
Today. 5.58 Tweet Of The Day. 6.00
Today. 9.00 Her Story Made History.
9.30 One To One. 9.45 (LW) Daily
Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week:
Coventry. 10.00 (LW) Woman’s
Hour. 10.00 (FM) Woman’s Hour.
10.25 (LW) Test Match Special. 11.00
(FM) Crossing Continents. 11.30
(FM) The Art Of Now: Art Surgery.
12.00noon (FM) News. 12.01 (LW)

Shipping Forecast. 12.04 (LW) Test
Match Special. 12.04 (FM) Heartburn.
12.18 (FM) You And Yours. 1.00
(FM) The World At One. 1.45 (FM)
World War 2: The Economic Battle.
2.00 (FM) The Archers. 2.15 (FM)
Drama: Human Resources. 3.00
(FM) Open Country. 3.30 (FM)
Open Book. 4.00 (FM) The Film
Programme. 4.30 (FM) BBC Inside
Science. 5.00 (FM) PM. 5.54 (LW)
Shipping Forecast. 5.57 (LW) Test
Match Special. 6.00 (FM) News. 6.30
(FM) Fresh From The Fringe 2019.
7.00 The Archers. 7.15 Front Row.

7.45 The Country Girls. 8.00 Making
History. 8.30 In Business. 9.00 BBC
Inside Science. 9.30 Her Story Made
History. 10.00 The World Tonight.
10.45 Book at Bedtime: Heartburn.
11.00 Fresh From The Fringe 2019.
11.30 Beyond Today. 12.00m’t News.
12.30 Book of the Week: Coventry.
12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As
BBC World Service. 5.20-5.30am
Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE
(MW: 909/993 kHz) 5.00am
Morning Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To
Money. 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00
Your Call. 10.00 The Emma Barnett

Show. 1.00pm Nihal Arthanayake.
4.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 The Ashes.
8.00 5 Live Sport. 10.00 Sarah Brett.
1.00-5.00am Up All Night. RADIO
SCOTLAND (FM: 92.4-92.7MHz,
MW: 810 (Dumfries 585) kHz)
6.00am Good Morning Scotland.
9.00 Mornings. 12.00noon John
Beattie. 1.30 Grow It. 2.00 Bulletin.
2.05 The Afternoon Show With
Grant Stott. 4.00 Newsdrive. 6.30
Get It On With Bryan Burnett. 9.00
Bulletin. 9.05 Planet Pop With Nicola
Meighan. 11.00 Bulletin. 11.05 Findlay
Napier. 1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
6.00am Weekend Breakfast.
10.00 Anthems. 11.00 Maya Jama.
12.45pm Newsbeat. 1.00 Dev
And Alice. 4.00 The Official Chart
Show. 5.45 Newsbeat. 6.00 Party
Anthems. 7.00 Dance Party. 9.00
Pete Tong. 11.00 Danny Howard.
1.00am Essential Mix. 3.00 Drum
& Bass Mix. 3.30 Annie Mac In The
Mix. 4.00-5.00am Wind Down.
RADIO 2 (FM: 88-91MHz) 5.00am
Nicki Chapman. 6.30 The Breakfast
Show. 9.30 Ken Bruce. 12.00noon
Jeremy Vine. 2.00 OJ Borg. 5.00

Vanessa Feltz. 7.00 Tony Blackburn’s
Golden Hour. 8.00 Friday Night Is
Music Night. 10.00 Sounds Of The
80s. 12.00m’t The Pick Of Radio 2.
2.00 Barry Manilow — They Write
The Songs. 3.00 TBA. 4.00-6.00am
Huey Morgan. RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-
92.4MHz) 6.30am Breakfast. 9.00
Essential Classics. 11.00 Edinburgh
International Festival 2019. 1.00pm
News. 1.02 Composer Of The Week:
Bologne. 2.00 Afternoon Concert.
4.30 The Listening Service. 5.00 In
Tune. 7.00 In Tune Mixtape. 7.30 BBC
Proms 2019. 10.15 Free Thinking

Landmark: Audre Lorde. 11.00 Music
Planet. 12.30am Music Planet World
Mix. 1.00-7.00am Through The
Night. RADIO 4 (FM: 92.4-94.6
MHz) 5.30am News Briefing. 5.43
Prayer For The Day. 5.45 Farming
Today. 5.58 Tweet Of The Day. 6.00
Today. 9.00 The Reunion. 9.45 (LW)
Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of
the Week: Coventry. 10.00 (LW)
Woman’s Hour. 10.00 (FM) Woman’s
Hour. 10.30 (LW) Test Match Special.
11.00 (FM) What’s Eating Rotherham.
11.30 (FM) Beta Female. 12.00noon
(FM) News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping

Forecast. 12.04 (LW) Test Match
Special. 12.04 (FM) Heartburn. 12.18
(FM) You And Yours. 1.00 (FM) The
World At One. 1.45 (FM) World
War 2: The Economic Battle. 2.00
(FM) The Archers. 2.15 (FM) Drama:
Twelve Weeks. 3.00 (FM) Gardeners’
Question Time. 3.45 (FM) Short
Works. 4.00 (FM) Last Word. 4.30
(FM) Feedback. 4.55 (FM) The
Listening Project. 5.00 (FM) PM.
5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57
(LW) Test Match Special. 6.00 (FM)
News. 6.30 (FM) The Now Show.
7.00 The Archers. 7.15 Front Row.

7.45 The Country Girls. 8.00 Any
Questions? 8.50 A Point Of View.
9.00 A History Of Delusions. 10.00
The World Tonight. 10.45 Book at
Bedtime: Heartburn. 11.00 Great
Lives. 11.25 Beyond Today. 11.55 The
Listening Project. 12.00m’t News.
12.30 Book of the Week: Coventry.
12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As
BBC World Service. 5.20-5.30am
Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE
(MW: 909/993 kHz) 5.00am
Morning Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To
Money. 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 9.00
Your Call. 10.00 Chiles On Friday.

1.00pm Elis James And John Robins.
3.00 Kermode And Mayo’s Film
Review. 5.00 5 Live Drive.
7.00 5 Live Sport. 10.00 Stephen
Nolan. 1.00-5.00am Up All Night.
92.4-92.7MHz, MW: 810 (Dumfries
585) kHz) 6.00am Good Morning
Scotland. 9.00 Mornings. 12.00noon
John Beattie. 1.30 Breaking The
News. 2.00 Out For The Weekend.
4.00 Newsdrive. 6.30 Sportsound.
8.00 Out For The Weekend. 10.00
Bulletin. 10.05 Ashley Storrie.
1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.
RADIO 1 (FM: 97.6-99.8MHz)
5.00am Radio 1’s Wind Down.
6.00 Weekend Breakfast. 10.00
Anthems. 11.00 Jordan Joins Maya.
1.00pm Dev And Alice Live From
Reading Festival, 2019. 4.00 Dance
Anthems. 7.00 1Xtra’s Takeover.
9.00 1Xtra’s Rap Show. 11.00 Diplo
And Friends. 1.00am Kan D Man
And DJ Limelight. 3.00 Danny
Howard’s Club Mix. 4.00-6.00am
David Rodigan. RADIO 2 (FM:
88-91MHz) 6.00am Sounds Of The
60s. 8.00 Dermot O’Leary. 10.00
Alan And Mel’s Summer Escape.

1.00pm Pick Of The Pops. 3.00
Rylan On Saturday. 6.00 Liza Tarbuck.
8.00 The Radio 2 Rock Show. 9.00
Motown At The BBC. 10.00 The
Craig Charles House Party. 12.00m’t
Ana Matronic’s Dance Devotion. 2.00
TBA. 4.00-6.00am Angela Scanlon.
RADIO 3 (FM: 90.2-92.4MHz)
7.00am Breakfast. 9.00 News. 9.02
Summer Record Review. 11.45
New Generation Artists. 12.30pm
This Classical Life. 1.00 News. 1.02
Inside Music. 3.00 Sound Of Cinema.
4.00 Jazz Record Requests. 5.00 J
To Z. 6.30 Private Passions. 7.30

BBC Proms 2019. 10.15 New Music
Show. 12.00m’t Geoffrey Smith’s Jazz.
1.00-7.00am Through The Night.
RADIO 4 (FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz)
5.30am News Briefing. 5.43 Prayer
For The Day. 5.45 Four Thought.
6.00 News And Papers. 6.07 Open
Country. 6.30 Farming Today This
Week. 7.00 Today. 9.00 Saturday
Live. 10.30 (LW) Test Match Special.
10.30 (FM) Alex Edelman’s Special
Relationships. 11.00 (FM) The Origin
Of Stuff. 11.30 (FM) From Our Own
Correspondent. 12.00noon (FM)
News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast.

12.04 (LW) Test Match Special. 12.04
(FM) The Money Clinic. 12.30 (FM)
The Now Show. 1.00 (FM) News.
1.10 (FM) Any Questions? 2.00 (FM)
Any Answers? 2.30 (FM) Drama:
Marcel Proust’s In Search Of Lost
Time. 4.30 (FM) Weekend Woman’s
Hour. 5.00 (FM) Saturday PM. 5.30
(FM) The Inquiry. 5.54 Shipping
Forecast. 5.57 (LW) Test Match
Special. 6.00 (FM) News. 6.15 (FM)
Loose Ends. 7.00 Four Thought.
7.15 Saturday Review. 8.00 Archive
on 4: Losing My Voice. 9.00 Drama:
Marcel Proust’s In Search Of Lost

Time. 10.00 News. 10.15 Unreliable
Evidence. 11.00 The 3rd Degree.
11.30 Poems For Idle Workers.
12.00m’t News. 12.30 Short Works.
12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As
BBC World Service. 5.20-5.30am
Shipping Forecast. RADIO 5 LIVE
(MW: 909/993 kHz) 5.00am 5 Live
Boxing. 5.30 Robbie Savage’s Premier
League Breakfast. 6.00 Saturday
Breakfast. 9.00 Geoff Lloyd. 11.00
Fighting Talk. 12.00noon 5 Live
Sport. 3.00 5 Live Sport: Premier
League Football 2019-20. 5.00 Sports
Report. 6.00 6-0-6. 8.00 Kermode

And Mayo’s Film Review. 9.00
Stephen Nolan. 12.00m’t Paradise.
1.00-5.00am Up All Night. RADIO
SCOTLAND (FM: 92.4-92.7MHz,
MW: 810 (Dumfries 585) kHz)
6.00am Bulletin. 6.02 Our Lives.
6.30 Out Of Doors. 8.00 Good
Morning Scotland. 10.00 Shereen.
11.30 Breaking The News.
12.00noon Bulletin. 12.05 Off The
Ball. 2.00 Sportsound. 5.30 Off The
Ball. 7.00 Bulletin. 7.00 Outdoor
Conditions. 7.05 Take The Floor. 9.00
Pipeline. 10.00 Bulletin. 10.05 Billy
Sloan. 1.00-6.00am As Radio 5 Live.








BEST RADIO of the week 18 - 24 August

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