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January/February 2018^ DISCOVER^15
10: The administration announces its
intent to kill the Clean Power Plan, an
Obama-era initiative to limit carbon
dioxide emissions from power plants.
31: EPA head Pruitt says he will bar
any scientist who receives agency
grants from serving on its advisory
boards. The move opens the door for
industry-funded researchers to take
their place.
29: The FDA delays
required revisions
to nutrition labeling
by up to three
years. The updates,
which would have
gone into effect in
2018, include more
realistic portion
sizes and the
amount of added
sugar in a product.
15: Trump signs an executive order removing
requirements for federal properties to withstand
increased flooding and other climate
change-related challenges.
23: State Department science envoy Daniel
Kammen quits over the president’s decision to
leave the Paris agreement and his response to a
white supremacist rally in Virginia. Kammen’s
resignation letter includes an acrostic: The first
letter of each paragraph spells “IMPEACH.”
24: The DOI announces plans to downsize three
national monuments, including Bears Ears in Utah,
despite pleas from Native Americans,
archaeologists and paleontologists to protect
culturally and scientifically significant sites.
31: The DOI limits most environmental impact
studies to a year in length and resulting reports to
no more than 150 pages. The studies previously
lasted for years and could run 1,000 pages or more.
19: Trump nominates Sam Clovis,
who has no science background,
to be the chief scientist of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(Clovis’ nomination would be
withdrawn Nov. 2 after his name
surfaces in an ongoing probe
into Russian influence on the
Trump campaign.)
20: Six months into the
administration, the president has
yet to nominate candidates for a
record number of key positions in
science-driven government
agencies such as the CDC and EPA.
1: The president announces plans
to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris
agreement. (See opposite page.)
8: Following up on President
Emmanuel Macron’s June 1 offer
to “make our planet great again”
by welcoming American scientists,
a French government website
offers foreign researchers
French residency and four-year
grants of up to 1.5 million euros
(about $1.76 million).
22: The Department of the Interior
(DOI) ends endangered species
protection for Yellowstone
grizzlies despite a two-year decline
in the population, paralleling
other administration decisions to
remove protections for wildlife.
18: Under Ajit Pai — who was
appointed chairman by Trump
— the FCC votes to begin
dismantling net neutrality
safeguards that were put in
place in 2015. The decision
opens the door to internet
service providers controlling
which sites consumers access.
23: A proposed budget
released by the White House
slashes funding for both the
EPA and FDA by 31 percent.
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC),
Department of Energy and the
National Institutes of Health
would also see significant cuts.
22: A crowd of roughly 100,000 gathers to
“March for Science” in Washington, D.C.
Nearly a million more individuals
participate in local events in all 50 states
and on every continent.
24: President Trump urges NASA to send
a manned mission to Mars despite his
proposal to cut the space agency’s budget.
28: The EPA removes climate change data
and other information from its website.
2: The Senate confirms former Texas
governor and climate change skeptic
Rick Perry as Energy secretary, six
years after then-presidential
candidate Perry called for the
Department of Energy’s elimination.
28: The president signs Executive
Order 13783, which calls for the
review and rescinding of many
environmental protections.
For a more complete
timeline, visit
3: The White House
releases a Climate
Science Special
Report, part of a
assessment. The
conclusion? Human
activity is the
dominant cause of
climate change,
contradicting many
A pro-science rally in Washington, D.C., drew
roughly 100,000 participants; many more rallied
at sister events across the world.