Women’s Health USA – September 2019

(Dana P.) #1





How many times have you
heard one of your friends
say that? Or tried to con-
vince your HIIT-loving
gal pal that she, too, can
go for a “casual jog”?
Here’s our wake-up
c a l l: It ’s t i me to stop pit-
ting strength training
against cardio, because
in reality, they’re great—
scratch that, awesome—
as a pair. In fact,
aerobic exercise right
before weight lifting can
help maximize power to
fuel you through your fit-
ness sesh, according to
Brazilian research.
Better still? Rather
than reaping the rewards
of just one exercise,
“melding the two offers
you more bang for your
strength- and endurance-
building buck,” says
Rondel King, CSCS, an
exercise physiologist at
NYU Langone’s Sports
Performance Center. “It’s
also time-efficient—ideal
for anyone with a busy
schedule.” (Sooo, all of us.)

More and more bou-
tique studios across the
country are catching on
and offering a strength-
plus-cardio doubleheader.
From Basecamp Fitness—
a California-headquar-
tered interval training
workout that has class-
goers jumping from the
bike to floor moves with
TRX, kettlebells, and
more—to on-demand
favorite Peloton, where
new programming brings
boot camp–style tread-
m i l l a nd flo or workout s to
the sweaty masses, there’s
no shortage of options for
a total-body blast.
And you can get in on
the trend no matter
where you like to work
out: at home, at the gym,
or out side. We te a me d up
with Jess Sims, CFSC,
Peloton Tread instructor,
to cre ate t h i s k i l ler f u l l-
body workout that mixes
running with body-
weight exercises. Ready,
set, go...then plank!
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