Bicycling USA – July 2019

(vip2019) #1
BICYCLING: How did you get into bike racing?
AMITY ROCKWELL: It was really by accident. I ran cross-
country in high school and college, and then left my collegiate
team to start doing longer trail-running races. But in 2015 I was
battling all these little chronic injuries, and decided I needed
to step back from running and give my body a chance to heal.
I’d always had a bike for cross-training, and with the running
break I started riding more because I still needed to get outside.
Pretty quickly I started seeing tangible progress, and when
you’re doing something new, that can be really addictive. So I
ended up doing a local road race in the spring of 2016, and even
though I missed the start by like three minutes, I managed to
chase down the field and win. That’s when I figured maybe I
could be good at this, and started working my way up the ranks.

BI: But road racing isn’t really your thing, right?
AR: For me, road racing is like pounding your head against a
wall. If you don’t make the podium, what experience are you
really getting out of it? I was doing all these races in California
and never felt like I was connecting with the places or the
people. But the gravel scene is so much different. Even last year,
when my race at Dirty Kanza was pretty horrible, it still felt
like something worthwhile because of the overall experience.

BI: In 2018, you battled mechanicals all day and finished out-
side the top 10. And you’re more of a climber than a power rider,
anyway. Did you consider not coming back to Dirty Kanza?
AR: From a racing standpoint, last year was definitely super
disappointing. But when things started to go south, I was in
good position, probably fourth or fifth. That left me wondering
what could happen if everything did line up.
I also learned a lot about myself from that experience.
Sometimes I had a tendency to let one bad thing spiral into

more mistakes, like not eating or drinking enough, because
I’m so focused on what went wrong. But this year, even with
the crash and the nausea, I had a better handle on my emo-
tions and realized that the best thing to do was focus on what
I could control and not worry about what I couldn’t.

BI: How do you train for a 200-mile race on rough roads?
AR: Honestly, I’m the worst person to ask for training advice.
I’m a bit of a mess. I have no real plan and no coach. I had a
coach for a little while and she was great. But I was kind of
miserable having everything laid out for me all the time, and
not being able to go hard when I wanted to go hard, or go out
with my friends for their shenanigans. So basically, I just ride
a lot because I love riding. That’s my training.

BI: At Dirty Kanza this year, you raced on the just-released
Allied Able. How many rides did you get on the new gravel
bike before the race itself?
AR: I probably shouldn’t admit this, but it was only two times
right before the race on Thursday and Friday. It was probably
a terrible idea, but it goes back to that mindset of not stress-
ing too much about things I can’t control. At the same time,
I had a lot of faith in the Allied guys. Clearly it worked out.

BI: What have you learned from running that can be applied
to bike racing?
AR: For me, it’s about figuring out the highest pace you can
push the entire time, and then trying to be as consistent as
possible. At the same time, bike racing is different in many
ways. So much of what you do is based on what others do.
My style is more diesel than punchy, so I have a really hard
time chasing attacks or grabbing onto groups that I know I
need to be in. But slowly I’m learning to trust that I can do
those efforts and still be okay. I won’t just blow up. I have to
remember that everyone else is suffering, too.

BI: We have to ask about your coffee game—it must be strong,
given your background.
AR: There’s a massive variety of f lavor in specialty coffee—due
to origin, roast, and brew method—and I nerd out about all
these things, but my go-to is a pour-over. And I choose coffees
that are locally roasted, such as Pacific Crest Coffee here in
Truckee, and make sure the beans are responsibly sourced. It’s
an easy way to make a tiny environmental difference. I wake up
early, and I can’t even think about food until I’ve had coffee.

BI: Dirty Kanza was the biggest bike racing win of your career.
How has life changed?
AR: Since I started this, I’ve always hoped that cycling could
become at least most of what I do for a job. And I’m still not
comfortable telling people I’m a professional cyclist. But Kanza
has proven to me that the possibility is there for it to become
something bigger, and that’s motivating me to work harder
to make it happen.


is a part-time barista who has no coach and has been racing for only three
years. On her way to DK200 triumph, she toughed out a crash, repeated bouts
of vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues so bad she could barely eat or drink
during the last two hours of her 12-hour effort.

Rockwell beat
reigning champ
(and former
road pro) Alison
Tetrick by 16:25.


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