Selfbuilder & Homemaker – July – August 2019

(lu) #1


s a solicitor by profession, Stephen Cirell
took a very methodical approach to
planning his first self-build, and to his
quiet pride it has ended up breaking two
records. It’s not only the first such eco-project in
the Leeds area to be officially registered by the
Germany-based Passivhaus Institute, it’s also the
1,000th Passivhaus unit certified in the UK.
His immediate challenge was to find a plot, so
he started out by drawing up a map with a one
and a half circumference around where he lived
in Roundhay in north Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Eventually, he came across the nearby small
village of Wike, eight miles north of the
city centre.
“It took me 15 months to crack it, so finding
the right plot was high up there on the list of
biggest challenges,” says Stephen, who started
his quest to live in his own Passivhaus in January
2014 and completed his build in March 2017.
“You get a bit disillusioned, all the time you’re
looking at the clock, thinking that time is ticking
on and you haven’t even got started yet.”
In the end, he saw an opportunity advertised

by an estate agent. Another buyer had bought a
large village site, renovating the barn, but
opting to sell 40 per cent of the plot. This
included the original home on the site – Old
Forge Cottage, which was derelict. Part of the
attraction was that the 0.24 acre plot, for
which Stephen paid £400,000, already held a
dwelling, so planning looked as if it would be

An eco-afficionado achieved his dream to create a Passivhaus home in Leeds,

but it had to be traditional in style so wasn’t plain sailing


The Green Building Store
supplied the triple-glazed
timber windows and doors


“I knew I wanted a

Passivhaus, but I

was imagining lots

of angular glass and

big open-plan

spaces, very modern

and contemporary”



“Going through the
planning process. The
local council was
originally difficult to
contact and slow in its
operation. But it got
better when I managed
to engage with the
planning officer.”
–Stephen Cirell july/august 2019

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