Autocar UK – 07 August 2019

(Nora) #1



Potent, China-only electric crossover targets Model X and I-Pace

Price  £56,000

Engine  Twin electric motors,

permanent magnet (front),

induction magnet (rear)

Power  215bhp (f), 322bhp (r)

Torque 535lb-ft

Gearbox Single-spd, all-wheel drive

Kerb weight tbc

0-62mph 4.7sec

Top speed 124mph

Economy na

CO 2 /tax band na

RIVALS Tesla Model X, Audi e-tron,

Jaguar I-Pace



espite only selling cars in China,

Nio is already the world’s second

most successful premium EV

maker, having delivered nearly

19, 0 0 0 c a r s i n ju s t 1 3 mont h s of s a le s.
Most of those have been the ES8 that

the company launched with, but the

cheaper and more dynamic ES6 is the

model the brand hopes will propel

it towards its target of producing

100,000 cars a year.

The ES6 sits on the same platform

as the ES8 and plays crossover to its

big sister’s SUV. All-wheel drive is

standard, with the regular version

of the car using a pair of 215bhp

permanent magnet motors, one

turning each axle. The Premier

Edition, driven here, and the

forthcoming Performance model,

up g r a de s t he r e a r u n it t o a b e e f ie r

322bhp induction motor.

There are two lithium ion battery

packs, a 70kWh one as standard and

a bigger 84kWh unit as an option.

Uniquely, Nio offers the chance to

change these in automated swap

stations to facilitate longer journeys.

On the usually optimistic NEDC

testing protocol range varies between

260 miles for the regular car with

the 70kWh unit and 315 miles for a

Performance with the 84kWh pack.

Autocar got to experience the car

on the newly opened V1 Auto World

racetrack near Tianjin – not an

especially likely environment – but
we were able to drive the car hard and

without restrictions. Performance is

impressively brisk: Nio’s engineers

are proud that their car’s 0-62mph

t i me i s i n t he ‘ fou r-s e c ond c lub’

with the Tesla Model X and Jaguar

I-Pace, and like both those cars it can

generate organ-sloshing longitudinal

g-forces. Auto World didn’t offer

enough space to confirm the limited

124mph top speed, but at the end of

the longest straight the speedometer

was indicating 130kph – 80mph –

and the car was still pulling hard.

While the chassis generates decent

grip, and the ES6’s extremely strong

aluminium structure helps give it

accurate responses, the handling

balance was predictably front-led,

and making faster progress meant

managing the front axle’s tendency

to run wide. The stability control

doesn’t allow any rear-end slip, so

there’s little scope for adjusting your

cornering line on the throttle. Under

serious abuse the battery pack’s

temperatures rise quickly, and after

a couple of laps the car cut its output

to cool the overworked cells. Brakes

a l s o fe lt s t r a n ge , t he Br e mb o d i s c s

coping well but the electrical booster

a dd i n g w e i g ht w he n it t h i n k s a n

emergency stop is required, causing
the pedal to move downwards and

m a k i n g it h a rd t o s t ay smo ot h.

Of course, the Nio hasn’t really

b e e n de si g ne d for l i fe on a t r a c k ,

and slowing down to simulate

road paces makes it immediately

better. The cabin is quiet and well-

insulated, ride quality is good and

the effortless torque of the electric

p ow e r t r a i n m a k e s it e a s y t o d r i v e at

an unobtrusively rapid pace, with

regenerative braking far smoother

than the friction system.

Other parts impress, too. The ES6’s

e x t e r ior de si g n i s mor e d i s t i nc t i v e

than handsome, but the cabin is

spacious and well finished. Despite

some lower-rent materials build

quality feels at least on a par with the

Tesla Model 3, and the 11.3in central

display is crisply rendered. The ES6

a l s o ge t s Nio’s NOM I (a s i n ‘ k now-

me’) voice recognition system, which

doesn’t understand English yet but

seemed adept at working out Chinese

instruction delivered from both front

a nd r e a r s e at s. It a l s o c ome s w it h

t he op t ion of a c ut e c i r c u l a r d i s pl ay

s c r e e n w it h a n a n i m at e d f a c e t h at

sits on top of the dashboard and turns

towards whoever is speaking. It’s like

a l i v e e moji; k id s w i l l lov e it.
Prices in China start at the

equivalent of £40,000 at current

exchange rates. While there are

no immediate plans to expand

sales beyond its home country,

the company is planning eventual

Eu r op e a n s a le s. I f it c ou ld ge t t he E S6

to Britain at anything close to that

pr ic e , it c ou ld b e on t o a w i n ne r.



Proof that Chinese car makers are

at the EV vanguard, with Tesla-level

performance for a big saving


It rides well and the cabin is well insulated from noise, but some of the trim materials feel a bit cheap



The ES6 has been

designed to support

partial autonomy, with

the company planning

to upgrade cars

through over-the-air

updates from next

year. MD

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