Autocar UK – 07 August 2019

(Nora) #1


Δ and sounds so frenetic, but also

because it keeps on pulling violently

right the way to the 8000rpm redline,

so long after so many modern turbos

have begun tailing off.

And that high-range work ethic

isn’t there by chance. This is an

engine whose thrashing pistons

are managed and motivated more

cleverly than a Pep Guardiola cup

final squad. That it effectively saves

torque back for the higher gears while

also revving so freely makes the car’s

outright performance level seem to

h av e a l mo s t no l i m it. T h at , i n t u r n ,

also makes the process of pinning

the car’s accelerator, and then being

br av e e nou g h t o k e e p it pi n ne d a nd

hold on sh i f t b y sh i f t , a t h r i l l r ide

that’s very difficult to find an equal

for anywhere in motordom.

L au nc h i n g f r om r e s t t o 6 0 mph

on its Michelin Cup 2 R tyres in a

two-way average of 2.8sec (2.77sec

being the car’s quickest one-way run,

almost a tenth quicker than Ferrari’s

claim), the Pista would outsprint

both a McLaren Senna and a 720S

t o 9 0 mph. It w ou ld a l s o le av e a

Lamborghini Huracán Performante

trailing by several car lengths over a

standing quarter mile, and then just

keep gapping it.

Ultimately, though, both McLarens

would haul the Ferrari back in and

ov e r t a k e it w it h e nou g h r o om t o r u n
into. (The Senna’s aerodynamics

eventually slow it down again above

150mph.) But the Pista needn’t

lo ok t o a b s olut e s up e r c a r c l a s s

dom i n at ion t o m a k e y ou appr e c i at e

what’s so special about its engine –

b e c au s e , i n t r ut h , a l mo s t e v e r y t h i n g

a b out it i s s p e c i a l. T he c a r i s s o f a s t

at f u l l p ow e r, ov e r t he h i g he r r e a c he s

of the rev range, that it borders on

the absurd at times. And yet it’s

responsive, tractable, docile, clean-

revving, drivable, theatrical and

expressive, too. Believe it or not, the

car is barely half a second slower

f r om 6 0 mph t o 110 mph w he n h au l i n g

through top gear than a BMW M2

is over the same increments when

pulling flat out in fourth.

You m ay w e l l w onde r i f t h at k i nd of

performance level can ever really be

enjoyed on the road in 2019; and you

can surmise that, if the answer’s yes,
it ’s on l y i n v e r y shor t bu r s t s , w h ic h i s

undoubtedly a frustration at times.

But the Pista’s V8 has such power

a nd d r a m a t h at it de l i v e r s e xc it e me nt

almost every time you f lex the pedal.

It’s a wonderfully overbearing

presence in the car; too forceful, even,

at times – but it’s never anything

short of epic.



The 488 Pista handles like a car that

has had its ‘Ferrariness’ dialled up to

  1. I f mo de r n P r a nc i n g Hor s e s a r e ,

by and large, darting, pointy, reactive

and direct in their handling, then

the Pista explores the outer limits of

possibility – and acceptability – on

every single one of those points.

With fewer than two full turns

b e t w e e n e x t r e me s of s t e e r i n g lo c k ,

the car feels like it’s up on its toes at

all times and in all situations. There

i s ju s t e nou g h w e i g ht i n t he s t e e r i n g

system to make its pace digestible,
and a little contact patch feel. The

rack isn’t as brilliant as the best

produced by Porsche and McLaren

in recent years but remains very

consistent in its weighting even

under extremes of load, which allows

you to acclimatise to its directness

quite quickly.

A nd a lt hou g h it ’s v e r y f i r m a nd

lively, the 488 Pista isn’t generally

a nervous-feeling car on the road.

T h at on l y e v e r b e g i n s t o c h a n ge

on the odd occasion: when uneven

surfaces make the car bump steer a

little, when it tramlines slightly over

z In terms of power and handling for the public road, the 488 Pista lives on the edge of reason. But it rarely feels nervous and b o a st s a n a g i l i t y th a t w i l l b e h a r d to m a tc h


The Pista’s V8 delivers

excitement almost every

time you flex the pedal


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