38 http://www.militaryvehiclesmagazine.com
Operational Champs turn up at shows
all over the United Kingdom, with one of
the largest gatherings being the annual
show “Wartime in the Vale” at the “Ash-
down WWII Camp” presented by the
Ashdown Military Club at Badsey near
Evesham (www.ashdowncamp.com).
This terrifi c vehicle event has almost be-
come a convention for the Champ Own-
ers Club, (www.austinchampownersclub.
com) which converges to display their
vehicles. At this show, owners drive the
Champs into the arena to put on a mobil-
ity display.
The Champ is one of those vehicles
which arouses curiosity. When you talk to
an owner, you cannot help but be drawn
in and you begin to understand the ap-
peal. ✪