CosBeauty Magazine – August 2019

(lu) #1 39

of potential sexual partners, using
visual and other cues, and that our
standards of physical attractiveness
arise from these adaptations,’
McBride continues.
Regardless of culture or country
of origin, men find similar female
traits attractive. Their preferences
are biologically and evolutionarily
programmed to find signs of youth
and health attractive, so as to seek
females that are best suited to carry
on their genes.
Studies have found that female
figures with slender bodies, a low
waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and
large breasts are rated as the most
attractive, healthy, feminine-looking
and desirable for both casual and
long-term romantic relationships.
‘Large breasts consistently enhance
the attractiveness rating of both
slender and heavy figures, so long as
they have a low WHR,’ says McBride.
‘Polish research has shown that
women with large breasts and a small
waist had larger amounts of female
hormones than women with a broad
waist and large hips; narrow waist
and small breasts; or broad waist and
small breasts.’
The significance of the WHR is
directly linked to fertility, as a low
WHR is believed to correspond to
the optimal fat distribution for high
fertility. If a woman is seen to be
more fertile, she is also seen to be
more attractive.
‘Women with a low WHR may also
be healthier, given that a high WHR
resulting from a bloated abdomen
can be a sign of parasite infection.
A high WHR in a female can also
predict menstrual irregularity,
hirsutism (excess hairiness), elevated
plasma triglycerides, diabetes,
hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
gall bladder disease and cancer of the
endometrium, ovaries and breast,’
McBride explains.
But large breasts and a small waist
aren’t the only physical assets men are
drawn to. Other characteristics said
to be prized by our male ancestors in

Scientists have also discovered
that scent plays an important role
in the sexual attraction of males
to females. At certain points
during the menstrual cycle, women
produce more or less oestrogen and,
accordingly, their scent becomes more
or less appealing to men. Research
indicates that oestrogen triggers blood
flow to the hypothalamus in the male,
but not the female, brain.
In fact, research into our sense of
smell has determined that a simple
kiss has evolved in the Western world
from the universal human greeting of
smelling one another’s hands or faces.
Although such smells are not blatant,
and may not register in the conscious
mind, such smells influence mood and
sexual mating preferences.
Unlike pheromones, which are
long-distance chemical messengers
in the Animal Kingdom, these are
subtle protein secretions detected
at close quarters. ‘They enable
humans to determine whether they
are genetically similar or different,’
says Prof Rob Brooks. ‘Opposites do
attract,’ he says. ‘It’s like an internal
communications system.’

their potential mates were full
red lips, clear and smooth skin, clear
eyes, lustrous hair and good muscle
tone; all indications of a healthy,
youthful woman.
‘These in-built preferences seem
to be aimed at ensuring males find
suitably fertile females who are
healthy enough to reproduce and,
in turn, produce healthy children,’
says McBride. ‘These mechanisms
are instinctual and generally
subconscious. Men don’t think to
themselves: “I must find a woman
with a WHR of 0.7 and smooth skin”.
We just find these characteristics
appealing and they are almost
universally sought after,’ he adds.
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