Science - 16.08.2019

(C. Jardin) #1



By Stefano Bovino^1 and Daniele Galli^2


he reason why astronomers find the
helium hydride ion (HeH+) so intrigu-
ing is simple: This light, highly reactive
molecule with strong acid character
binds together hydrogen and helium,
the first and most abundant elements
in the Universe. The first clear detection of
HeH+ in a nebula, earlier this year, has only
intensified interest in the primordial mole-
cule. On page 676 of this issue, Novotný et al.
( 1 ) studied HeH+ under conditions designed
to mimic those of the early Universe. Their
work offers insight into the chemical compo-
sition of the Universe before formation of the
first stars.
Discovered in the laboratory as early as
1925 ( 2 ), HeH+ has long been suspected to be
present in the interstellar medium. Astrono-
mers engaged in a decades-long search for
HeH+ in interstellar regions that house hot
gas, an environment wherein the simultane-
ous presence of ionized hydrogen and neutral
helium favors HeH+ formation. Unsuccess-
ful attempts have been made in planetary
nebulae (bubbles of hot gas surrounding a
dying star) ( 3 , 4 ), supernova ejecta (material
expanding from star explosion) ( 5 ), and qua-
sars (supermassive galactic objects thought
to contain a black hole) ( 6 ).
This search finally came to an end in April
2019, when HeH+ was unambiguously de-
tected in the hot gas of the planetary nebula
NGC 7027 ( 7 ). In a complementary laboratory
experiment, Novotný et al. collided a beam
of HeH+ with a beam of electrons at a very
low temperature to elucidate the characteris-
tics of HeH+ during the epoch that preceded
formation of the first stars and galaxies (i.e.,
the cosmological “dark ages,” ~400,000 years
after the Big Bang) (see the figure). The low
experimental temperature was used to mimic
conditions of the early Universe.
But when and how did the first molecules
appear in the hot, harsh environment of the
expanding early Universe? Three minutes
after the Big Bang, the Universe consisted
of a mixture of hydrogen, helium, and trace
amounts of deuterium and lithium ions.
These positively charged nuclei progressively
combined with electrons to form neutral at-

oms: first helium and then hydrogen and the
other elements. Because of the expansion of
the Universe, only 99.99% of the hydrogen
ions present after the Big Bang could com-
plete this process. The tiny but crucial left-
over free protons (H+) and electrons (e−) acted
as catalysts for the first gas-phase chemical
reactions among the dominant neutral spe-
cies ( 8 ). This marks the dawn of chemistry,
during which the first-ever molecular bond
was formed to create HeH+.
Compared with the thousands of reac-
tions and the hundreds of species needed to

Despite these developments, the neces-
sary support from experimental data for
the majority of chemical reactions remains
sparse. Important progress was achieved
in two recent laboratory experiments that
solved a long-standing controversy on the
destruction of H 3 + by collisions with elec-
trons ( 11 , 12 ), a crucial reaction for the
chemistry of interstellar clouds. The experi-
ment by Novotný et al. fits perfectly within
these efforts to provide reliable data for
deciphering the chemistry of the Universe.
The authors made use of the newly com-
pleted electrostatic cryogenic ion storage
ring CSR at the Max Planck Institute for
Nuclear Physics, which has made it possible
to measure the efficiency of the destruction
of cold HeH+ by collisions with electrons.
Novotný et al. measured a substantial re-
duction, relative to previous findings ( 13 ),
in the velocity at which this reaction occurs
at low temperatures. This implies a higher
abundance of HeH+ in the early Universe
than previously estimated ( 10 ) and thus a
stronger interaction with the cosmic mi-
crowave background radiation. Further ob-
servational developments might facilitate
detection of HeH+ in the first galaxies, an
important step in reconstructing the chemi-
cal history of the Universe.
Other molecules relevant to astrochemis-
try can now be studied with the new CSR.
These experiments, coupled with newly de-
vised theoretical calculations and other labo-
ratory studies being done worldwide, signal
a bright future for astrochemistry, which is
essential for unraveling complex processes
such as star and planet formation and the
origins of life. j


  1. O. Novotný et al., Science 365 , 676 (2019).

  2. T. R. Hogness, E. G. Lunn, Phys. Rev. 26 , 44 (1925).

  3. C. Cecchi-Pestellini, A. Dalgarno, Astrophys. J. 413 , 611

  4. X. W. Liu et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 290 , L71 (1997).

  5. S. Miller et al., Nature 355 , 420 (1992).

  6. I. Zinchenko, V. Dubrovich, C. Henkel, Mon. Not. R. Astron.
    Soc. 415 , L78 (2011).

  7. R. G ü ste n et al., Nature 568 , 357 (2019).

  8. D. Galli, F. Palla, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 51 , 163 (2013).

  9. D. R. G. Schleicher et al., Astron. Astrophys. 490 , 521 (2008).

  10. S. Bovino et al., Astron. Astrophys. 529 , A140 (2011).
    1 1. B. J. McCall et al., Phys. Rev. A 70 , 052716 (2004).

  11. H. Kreckel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 , 263201 (2005).

  12. C. Strömholm et al., Phys. Rev. A 54 , 3086 (1996).

We thank D. Schleicher, N. Leigh, and our late colleague F. Palla for
stimulating discussions about early-Universe astrochemistry.

(^1) Departamento de Astronomía, Facultad Ciencias Física y
Matematícas, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
(^2) INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
First molecule still animates astronomers
Helium hydride ion (HeH+)
The quasar specifes an
ideal environment for
HeH+ observation.
Beginning of
“dark ages”
Big Bang
Cosmic microwave
background radiation
13.8 billion years
A study of the helium hydride ion stirs up primordial astrochemistry
Early Universe, first molecules
Hydrogen recombination began after the generation
of cosmic microwave background radiation.
16 AUGUST 2019 • VOL 365 ISSUE 6454 639
model the chemistry of the present-day in-
terstellar medium, an understanding of the
chemistry of the early Universe should be
easily won. Because of the simplicity of the
reactants and the lack of complex phenom-
ena, such as magnetic fields, turbulence,
and stellar radiation, the field of primordial
chemistry has received special attention
and become the test bed for astrochemical
kinetic models that describe the evolution
of chemical species under interstellar me-
dium conditions. The chemistry of helium
has been the focus of several recent investi-
gations ( 9 , 10 ).

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