Womankind – August 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Womankind is funded by subscriptions and sales at its stockists globally. Taking out a subscription of just
over a $1 a week makes an enormous difference to us, protecting the longevity of Womankind magazine
as a handbook of high thinking for women - daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers - globally.

Support Womankind by subscribing now for just over $1 a week.



It’s the one question that we’d all like to know the answer to, so we could just get
on with it - the living part, that is. If we knew what the ‘good life’ entailed then we
could shun the rest, and just concentrate on the important bits. But society has a
tendency to derail us. We’re repeatedly told that the good life is about making loads
of money, having a successful career, and buying as much as we can possibly shovel
into our houses and garages. Some are convinced that they need to be famous and
get their name up in lights for the good life to kick in. It’s worth remembering that
the phase of flight for the Kunanyia stephaniae butterfly lasts a mere 14 days, long
enough for her to find a mate, have a family and watch the cycle of life turn again.
Unlike the butterfly, we are blessed with time. Time is on our side. In the course of a
lifetime, we can move mountains. So what are we waiting for? We’re proud to have
launched Womankind magazine, the first women’s magazine to shun the things that
the mainstream media tell us make for a good life. We like to think that we can aim
higher. Join us.

Editor’s letter, from
launch issue of
Womankind magazine

What is a ‘good life’?
What makes a life worth living?



Womankind is funded by subscriptions and sales at its stockists globally. Taking out a subscription of just
over a $1 a week makes an enormous difference to us, protecting the longevity of Womankind magazine
as a handbook of high thinking for women - daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers - globally.

Support Womankind by subscribing now for just over $1 a week.



It’s the one question that we’d all like to know the answer to, so we could just get

on with it - the living part, that is. If we knew what the ‘good life’ entailed then we

could shun the rest, and just concentrate on the important bits. But society has a

tendency to derail us. We’re repeatedly told that the good life is about making loads

of money, having a successful career, and buying as much as we can possibly shovel

into our houses and garages. Some are convinced that they need to be famous and

get their name up in lights for the good life to kick in. It’s worth remembering that

the phase of flight for the Kunanyia stephaniae butterfly lasts a mere 14 days, long

enough for her to find a mate, have a family and watch the cycle of life turn again.

Unlike the butterfly, we are blessed with time. Time is on our side. In the course of a

lifetime, we can move mountains. So what are we waiting for? We’re proud to have

launched Womankind magazine, the first women’s magazine to shun the things that

the mainstream media tell us make for a good life. We like to think that we can aim

higher. Join us.


What is a ‘good life’?
What makes a life worth living?

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