Super Chevy – September 2019

(Grace) #1


With the rear inners installed it was time to start cutting and trimming the rockers.
They also test-fit the rear outer quarters to make sure everything is ending up where
it should be. Some of the parts, like this rocker from Golden Star, come coated in a silver
weld-through primer.


RDS has many key
measurements on
hand, taken from
original survivor cars,
so they can check
parts that aren’t
located by the jig
fixture. These areas
around the door are
critical to having a
good door gap at the
end of the build, so
everything is double-
checked. It’s also why
one of these bodies
takes six to seven days
to complete.


Before welding, the inner roof structure was gently persuaded until the distance
was exactly where it needed to be for the door to fit right.





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