Storizen – July 2019

(sharon) #1



for all the damn writers and
poets to appreciate the beauty
of heaven.”
I let her was not
something I was used to. I
never knew exactly what had
happened to Y. The first time I
saw her was at the local coffee
shop where she had just
walked in randomly. I was
doing the crossword and had
just looked up and there my
breath grew short. She was the
most beautiful girl I had ever
seen and it was right from that
moment that I knew we would
be in each other’s lives. The

role I had wanted was not the one
I had received but it meant being
close to Y and for the moment I
was content.

She burst into tears and just stood
there looking out of the window,
her eyes damning the world and
all that there was in it. I got up
from the couch and stood close to
her. I took a sharp breath and put
my hand on her shoulder. “Y..I
said, “I don’t know what has
happened to you and I have never
asked. All that matters to me is
that I can be there for you when
you need me and see you happy. I
know it seems hopeless to you
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