Techlife News – August 10, 2019

(vip2019) #1

There are big changes in the Health app, too,
with a new look, prompts to register as an
organ donor and update your medical ID card,
and a personal profile that’s new to health.
New in iOS 13 and watchOS 6 is Cycle Tracking,
designed to allow tracking of menstrual cycle
data, and Noise Monitoring, which monitors the
Environmental Audio Level and the Headphone
Audio Level to protect your hearing health
and warn you to avoid loud situations.

Siri has been given a more natural voice,
Shortcuts is now installed by default, QuickPath
Keyboard allows you to swipe from one finger
to the next without removing your finger, and a
new volume HUD is far less obtrusive, allowing
you to watch content and adjust its volume.

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