Q: With your background as a casting director,
do you think it’s possible that the Oscars might
add a casting award, or perhaps a stunt award?
How are you hoping to support your fellow
below the line craftspeople?
RUBIN: I like to think that my being elected from
the casting directors branch will shine a light on
the work that casting directors do and of course
I was thrilled to read the news that BAFTA has
announced a category this morning for their
2020 awards, but, you know, that’s the extent of
my agenda. I think we’ll just see what the year
and the future will bring.
Q: Eligibility requirements have already been
settled for this year, but do you anticipate that
the Netflix and streaming question will come up
for debate for next year?
RUBIN: I think it’s timely to assemble the best and
brightest of our filmmaking colleagues to have a
conversation about what is a motion picture. The
fruits of those conversations will help determine if
any changes are required in eligibility.
Q: The museum is delayed again and just lost
its director, how do you hope to get that back
on track?
RUBIN: I don’t see it as being off track. I think
(academy museum director) Kerry Brougher did
a magnificent job in getting us to this place and
as the outside of the great Renzo Piano Building
is nearing completion, we’re turning our focus to
the inside. I see this like the academy producing
a film and just like the release of a film: We’ll
choose the right moment for our opening and
announce it when the time is right and we’ll be
very ready to sell tickets.