38 Jp jpmagazine.com OCTOBER 2019
There is a lot of knowledge,
histor y, and beaut y held in t he
inventions of the past, and one
of the more redeeming qualities of the
Internet is that it can help teach us about
i mpor ta nt, ra re, or va luable veh icles.
We’re witnessing the economic aspect of
it r ig ht now. A ny t h i ng made before t he
’80s is starting to skyrocket in price, and
vehicles from the ’60s seem to be the toys
of rich guys. No doubt, you’ve noticed
The mighty AMC V-8s
are unique, powerful,
and worth keeping—
here’s how to build
them right!
By Jerrod Jones
[email protected]
Photography: Jerrod Jones
that fullsize Jeeps are the hot ticket for
retro builds these days. Ten years ago,
we never would have imagined seeing old
fullsize Jeeps with more than $100,000
thrown at them, but lo and behold, it is
clear that the world has started to appre-
ciate the fullsize Jeep. And that’s part of
what has us scratching our heads over why
so ma ny people a re d itch i ng t hei r or ig i na l
A MC V- 8s for some sor t of L S swap.
We understand the power and fuel
economy arguments. And the LS fuel
injection is obviously nice. But how could
one appreciate the fullsize Jeep and not