Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1

of us needs to weigh in, to make the
authorities accountable. For example, a
policy decision has already been taken
for making spirometers available in
district hospitals; it is important to see
that it is implemented.
Stop smoking. Cessation of smok-
ing can certainly help. Also, breathing
exercises and yoga can help patients in



COPD and asthma are easily confused as they share many similarities. Both manifest the
same kind of symptoms, cause chronic inflammation and are a result of the same environmental
triggers. However, the two are distinct in different ways. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder
of the airways caused by a constriction of the muscles and inflammation of the airway lining.
COPD is a disease characterized by irreversible airflow limitation that is usually progressive
and associated with an abnormal response of the lungs to toxic particles or gases. Knowing the
difference and getting the right diagnosis is critical in successful treatment and management.

pulmonary rehabilitation. Octogenarian
Das, for example, having quit smoking
and diagnosed correctly, feels much
better now. It meant an initial round of
antibiotics and inhalers, for a year. But
currently, he only needs to take inhalers
and medication once a day. “I couldn’t
feel better at this age,” he chuckles.

Source: Consultant, an independent clinical journal, December 2011

Smoker or ex-smoker Nearly all Possibly
Symptoms under age 35 Rare Often
Progression of symptoms Chronic, slowly progressive Episodic, highly variable
Chronic productive cough Common Uncommon
Breathlessness Persistent and progressive Variable
Night-time awakening with
shortness of breath Uncommon Common
Atopic symptoms and
seasonal allergies Uncommon Common
Significant day to day
variability Uncommon Common

Airway inflammation Due to WBCs* called neutrophils^ Due to WBCs called eosinophils

Favourable response to ICS
(inhaled corticosteroids) Inconsistent Consistent
*white blood cells 73
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