Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1 97

go unnoticed.” It could
lead to infections, gan-
grene and amputations.


A 2016 study found
that one in four peo-
ple over age 45 suffer
from some kind of foot
pain. Likely because of
the footwear marketed at
them, women were at
greater risk than men.


No, your shoes aren’t
getting tighter: Your
feet actually grow as you
age. Get them measured
while buying shoes, but
the number is only a
starting point. “You may
be an eight in one shoe
and a 10 in another,” says
James Hill, president of
the Canadian Podiatric
Medical Association.
“Comfort is the most
important factor.”


Athlete’s foot is an
itchy, painful, highly
contagious fungus that
thrives in warm, moist
areas. Avoid going bare-
foot in public change
rooms. Dry your feet well
especially between the
toes. “In India, cultural
factors lead to barefoot
walking in public. This is

dangerous for those with
neuropathy,” says Mithal.


Shop later in the day,
when your feet are
tired and slightly swol-
len. You’ll be less likely
to buy too-small shoes.


Fashionable footwear
that’s comfortable is
hard to find. Pointed,
high-heeled pumps are
particularly bad for bun-
ions—painful bumps on
the inside of your big-toe
joint that can lead to
posture and balance
issues. The ideal shoe
has a wide toe box and a
slight wedge at the heel
to withstand the force of
your gait. “Leave a full
thumb’s width between
your longest toe and the
toe of the shoe,” Hill says.


Summertime means
flip-flops, but these
are terrible for feet. “The
lack of cushioning forces
you to grip the sandals
with your toes, putting
you at risk for plantar
fasciitis,” says Anthony
Harper, President of the
Pedorthic Association of
Canada. Instead, Bisht
advises wearing closed

shoes that have good
cushioning for stability.


Even if you’re only
going for walks, buy
sneakers from a specialty
athletic shoe store. “Staff
will analyze gait and
measure your foot’s
length (from heel to ball)
and width,” says Harper.


If your second toe
is longer than your
first—a condition called
Morton’s Toe, which
affects up to one in five
people—you’re at a high
risk for pain in the ball
of your feet due to the
way you distribute your
weight while walking.


Stinky shoes?
The smell is caused
by bacteria mixing with
sweat. Kill it by dropping
a bag of black tea in a
warm foot bath and
soaking for 30 mins.


Avoid ingrown toe-
nails by trimming
them properly: Leave
1 to 2 mm in length and
cut straight across with
sharp toenail clippers.
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