Wopreneur – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1





Analytical & Creative skills

Fitting in


Customer focus

collaboratively to leverage each other’s strengths and find the
best possible solution. Empathy in individuals helps to create an
environment of mutual respect and cooperation.

Turnover can be expensive, especially for a new business given
the investment in training new employees. And start-ups may
wish to avoid hiring someone who does not have long-term
potential. So it might be a good idea to gauge a job contender’s
level of commitment to stick it out.

It is important to measure a candidate’s “fit” in two distinct
ways- Firstly, of course, they are fit for the position based on
their knowledge and skillset to successfully perform the required
functions must be considered. Secondly, their fit for the
organization as a whole; how they would personally “fit” into the
company culture must be envisioned. Employees who have a
sense of belonging at the company and feel appreciated at their
work are likely to stay longer.

Every start-up faces adversity at some point. When the time
comes, you want to be surrounded by people who won’t give up
at the first sign of a challenge. Seek talent with the persistence
and drive to see projects through to completion, no matter the

Customer focus could be the most essential competency in
employees for the success of any start-up. Failing to focus on
the customer’s needs and expectations can set a new business
on the path to failure.

As an entrepreneur, one needs to find candidates who are
the right mix of the above attributes with some measure
of business acumen. Self-motivated individuals who are
excited to be an active participant in a fledgling business
can add immense value to the startup’s success.

Steps to be taken for the

Team-building Process:

And finally, once the dream team is in place, it’s a good idea to
explain to individual team members what they’re doing ties in
with the big picture. The more they believe that, the more they will
have the drive to do what it takes to achieve the end goal. Making
them understand how their contribution makes a
difference would go a long way to avoid feelings of
disengagement, if any. And remember to celebrate the
milestones with your team along the way. This way everyone
in the company can feel like they’re winning as the company is

Some key pointers to keep in mind when building a Startup team :

  • Avoid homogeneity in your team

  • Focus on quality, rather than quantity

  • Connect with people who share your drive and

  • Keep them involved and excited

  • Respect one another

  • Communication is key


  • Identify the need / gaps to be filled in the business

  • Know the position one is hiring for

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities- hire for
    specific purpose, rather than a generalist role

  • Putting skills to action – Asking a potential hire to
    complete a task or work on a project helps to better
    showcase their skillset and ability to work under pres-
    sure situations

  • Help them understand their role in the journey

  • Sell them on the startup’s idea. The best and
    brightest are going to be attracted because it is a
    great idea, the entrepreneur is passionate about it,
    and he/she can clearly articulate how things are
    going to go.

  • Envision the big picture to inspire passion. Set a
    vision and communicate the end goal so a potential
    hire can see it, feel it and taste it.

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