Sports+Travel Singapore – July 22, 2019

(Michael S) #1


And to manage to devise
a viable solution, hints at
an inconceivable extent of
sophistication and grit.

Mired in the depths of forgotten
reprieve. In safety. Imperative
forthwith, was activity.
To preoccupy. To engage. To

A chamber with arched beams
comes into view. Not particularly
wide or deep, but the curvature
plays an optic illusion on the eye.
There is something refined about
the room.
A school.
Of course.
Life goes on. The furious
struggle shall not stall the lifelong
pursuit of learning. Neither shall it
halt the innate longing to impart.
However scarce, however sparse.
The intent was genuine and pure.

And that was enough. The level
of wisdom, cognition or intellect
was irrelevant. The intention was
present, honest, and that was

Sometimes it gets too hard.
Even with stimulus, the mental or
physical kind. Devoid of sunlight.
In self-imposed exile. Sometimes,
there is riveting doubt.
Even if there is no greater
alternative in knowledge, the most
strong-willed can fall susceptible
to the manipulative machinations
of the mind.
Why not toy with and distort
the consciousness, then? And
eventually jolt the soul back to
practical and sober reality?
A pit is etched into the ground.
Basin-sized. Experts reckon, a
traditional wine press.
Lest someone there survived
till this day, or there was definitive
(what is definitive in history?)
written or scientific proof, no one
can say for certain there was a
direct causation. But a correlation?
Maybe, just maybe.

Cities were conventionally
assembled with materials. It is
intuitive. The human tendency is to
build, forge and initiate.
Here, materials were erased.
The lithic surfaces disfigured.
Whole slabs missing.
Yet, in the destruction, is
creation. At its finest.

Ascending up the stairs, into
the open, and Sun’s beams never
felt so inviting. The whiff of
vivaciousness. Nature’s vibrancy. It
is blissfully infectious.
And the freedom. No
constrictions, no compressions.
No gripping fear of imminent and
impending danger.
So seal the secret. Peace, a
privilege never to be granted. And
when the time comes, hope befalls
the enchanted.

Back in downtown Cappadocia,
there is an opportunity to ascend
even further. Up into the sky, above
the extensive valleys and beyond.
The hot air balloon shudders
initially, then glides and slides
Up in the air, the land’s jagged
topography never ceases to
astound and amaze.
Up in the air, open and
The realm of unparalleled exotic
beauty beneath. And underneath.

The city was only recently
discovered in 1963 under
sensational circumstances. A
local resident was renovating
his house, when he knocked
down a wall in his basement,
to find a chamber he did not
know existed. Only upon
further inspection did he
realise he had stumbled on a
national treasure.

‘Yet, in the destruction,

is creation. At its finest.’

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