Surf Girl – July 2019

(backadmin) #1

100 SurfGirl Magazine





Being eco-friendly while we’re on holiday or travelling
is tricky. Often our mindset to have a good time can
override the need to work a little harder to make the
right choices and keep our planet happy. However,
with some forward planning you can have a relaxing
trip and stay on the eco-friendly and plastic-free path.
Here are a few travel hacks to do just that...

■ Take home-prepared snacks and food in
■ Use your own reusable coff ee cup, water bottle
and cutlery.
■ If you have to fl y, then go direct.
■ Go paperless for boarding passes and tickets.
■ If you go for an onboard beverage, aim for an
aluminium can, refuse a plastic cup, and then take the
can with you to recycle when you get off the plane.
■ Headphones – use your own and not the plastic
wrapped ones on the plane.

Surfi ng
■ Choose reef-friendly sunscreen and surfboard wax.
■ Lift share to breaks.
■ Hire a board out there rather than taking one as
extra luggage on the plane.

General travel
■ Recycle wherever you go – if recycling bins aren’t
available, ask hotels if you can use their facilities.
■ For short distances jump on a bike. For longer
distances, do you need to fl y? Car pool, take a ferry
or take a train to lower your carbon footprint. Slow
travel also gives you the chance to really take things in.
■ Make sure your fl ip-fl ops are durable – if they snap
you will be forced to throw them away.
■ Do a mini beach clean wherever you go.
■ Don’t forget to carry your reusable canvas bag for
food and clothing shopping.
■ Give feedback to hotels, the airline and restaurants
on any eco/plastic problems you think they can
improve on.

■ Do not use the mini toiletries often provided.
■ Pack and use shampoo and conditioner cubes.
■ Travel with a bar of soap.
■ Book an eco resort or retreat that prides itself on
sustainability. Or go camping.
■ If hitting up the laundrette, present your items in a
pillowcase, as they will often plastic-wrap your items
when returning them to you.
■ If travelling somewhere that a clean water refi ll is
not available, use purifying tablets or boil tap water
using a kettle.
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