Surf Girl – July 2019

(backadmin) #1

106 SurfGirl Magazine



In pursuit of a slow, minimal and more eco-conscious lifestyle,
we’ve been buying locally-grown seasonal produce. This not
only reduces our carbon footprints, it also nurtures the local
community, and supports local businesses and producers. With
many studies favouring a seasonal diet, we explore six key
benefi ts for shopping locally and eating produce that’s in season.

Rich in antioxidants
Seasonal produce is picked when it’s fully ripe, meaning that it will
have had more sun exposure and therefore contains a higher level of
Seasonal foods tend to be much cheaper as produce tends to be sold at
a lower price when it’s in abundance. It’s all about supply and demand.
Less intervention
Locally grown, seasonal produce has usually had less human intervention
because nature has been allowed to do its thing.
Supporting the community
Locally sourced produce comes from local farmers and growers, who
employ local people and invest back into the community.
More creativity
Eating seasonally means you have to get a little more creative with your
cooking. Slow cook, pickle, stir fry and season your food learning what
to do with limited ingredients c h i i ff ki
Reduced environmental im t
Seasonal and locally sourced
environment, meaning shoppi l ll h b ff
the ecosystem.


cooking. Slow cook, pickle, stir fry and season your food – learning what
to do with limited ingredients can have a positive eff ect on your cooking

Reduced environmental impact
Seasonal and locally sourced produce has a reduced impact on the
environment, meaning shopping locally has a better eff ect on

Our tips for



■ Seek out farm shops
■ Find local growers
■ Visit farmers’ markets
■ Get a weekly fruit and
vegetable box
■ Keep your supermarket
shops to a minimal
■ Make your own – for
example bake your own bread
and cakes
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