Surf Girl – July 2019

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116 SurfGirl Magazine

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SurfGirl’s ‘Seas the Day’ Collection
is all about living life to it’s fullest,
inspired by free spirits. Our
models, Hannah, Lucy and Milla,
embody this vibe perfectly and we
asked them how they make every
day count.

Lucy Campbell, Travelling Pro Surfer @lucysurf
By making time for the things that you enjoy which bring
you happiness and that little glow to your heart. Whether
it’s being out in the ocean, taking time to appreciate a view
you love, going for a walk, catching up with friends, or
even if some days it’s just taking 10 minutes with a cup of
coff ee in bed before the day begins. Take some breaths
and embrace how it makes you feel.

Milla Magee, Teenage Dream Surfer @millamagee
I make every day count by keeping a positive mindset and
knowing that things happen for a reason. If something
isn’t planning out quite the way you wished or wanted,
that’s only because it might not be right or fi t in with this
stage of your journey. I revolve each day that goes by with
something that I enjoy doing or can’t live without. For me

that’s the ocean, so I spend every day at the beach as I’m
so lucky to have that on my doorstep.

Hannah Harding, Model Mum @hannahrharding
The world is still a beautiful amazing place, full of wonders
and opportunities for you to experience.

Check out SurfGirl’s Seas the Day collection at

Lucy in action.


Seas The Day

with the SurfGirl coll ection

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