Surf Girl – July 2019

(backadmin) #1

Book a surf lesson
First up, the most important thing you can
do for your future surfing self is to book
a surf lesson. Within the lesson you will
learn all there is to know about the surfing
basics and it will fast-track your surfing.
Find a highly recommended surf school at
the beach of your choice and book either
a group lesson or a one-to-one. Just be
sure to tell them you’re a beginner when
booking. Once you’ve had a series of
lessons and been out a few times on your
own to practice, it’s always worth coming
back to hone your technique.

Manage your expectations
You may not stand up on your first surf
lesson but this is OK, so remove any
unnecessary pressure that you put on
yourself. Just enjoy the lesson, embrace
the wipeouts and remember that surfing
is a challenging sport to master, and
even the professional surfers had to start
somewhere. It may take several attempts,
lessons or even months of practising before
you get to a stage when you can catch
waves independently.

Ask questions
Don’t be afraid to ask questions about
surfing, the beach or anything about
surfing. For example, what you may need
to bring for your lesson. Knowledge is
power, and this couldn’t be more prevalent
when discussing learning to surf. Ask your
instructors and any friends who surf.

Learn about the waves
Knowing about waves – how they are
formed and what types of waves there are

  • is a crucial element to becoming a surfer.
    Find out about the weather too, as this
    affects the surf, which can determine how
    much fun you have in the water.

Go with a friend
If you can convince someone to join you on
a surf lesson then be prepared to laugh at
lot! Surfing with friends is a wonderful thing,
so do your best to find a buddy to share
your surfing journey with.


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