Surf Girl – July 2019

(backadmin) #1


Once you’ve popped up, between manoeuvres there is a short

period where you’re going to want to set up for whatever
you plan on doing next. Whether, that’s another manoeuvre
or generating speed to race through a section, the set up is a
critical element of your sur”ng repertoire.

As you can see in the photo, the surfer is low;
the knees are compressed but still look supple.
Their legs aren’t ridged and fixed – they are
ready to adapt, by compressing and releasing.

The arms are down by the waist, but again
ready to move if needs be. Keeping them down
but slightly out will help keep your balance. It will
also help with recovery through the turns and
help with stability when on the wave.

It’s important to look where you’re going. Keep
your eyes fixed on where you want to go. Avoid
looking down at your feet; keep your eyes
looking up and on the wave.

As you progress in surfing it’s essential to use
your rails. The will allow you perform critical
turns. Use your heels and toes to switch the
board from rail to rail, maximising power and
flow through your turns.

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