Surf Girl – July 2019

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Having a family in tow doesn’t mean you have to ditch sur” ng holidays,
or leave the kids behind to head off on sur” ng adventures. After a
decade of travels with a mini sur” ng tribe, Hayley Lawrence of Family
Surf Co. shares some tips for planning successful family surf trips.

The most important thing I’ve learnt about
travelling with children is that you need to
be organised – you can’t just head off with a
board bag and backpack. Forward planning
for transfers and accommodation, packing
the right equipment, and staying in places
with decent family facilities, can make a huge
diff erence to your holiday.
TRAVEL: Take a direct fl ight and ensure it’s
an easy transfer onto your fi nal destination.
S TAY: Don't rough it – choose surfside
accommodation where you can yo-yo between
the waves, air-con comfort and family-friendly
SURF: Make sure there are waves for the
whole family – if you prefer a hollow reef break
that’s great, as long as there are also mellow
breaks and sandy beaches for the kids to
have fun.
CLIMATE: Head for the sun – it doesn’t
have to be the tropics, but your kids are going
to enjoy the waves much more if they’re not
freezing cold.
RELAX: Stay somewhere that makes it
easy for parents to chill out – whether there are
supervised activities for the kids, babysitters
so you can take time out for a surf or evening
meal, or at least space to unwind once the
children are in bed.
GEAR: Pack lightly and effi ciently – you
don’t want loads of baggage, but you do want
everything from zinc and Calpol, to games to
play on a lull day.
SURF LESSONS: If your kids are old
enough, book them surf lessons – it’ll give you
a break to sneak out for a wave, and most
children thrive in the hands of a surf coach.
THINGS TO DO: Include other sports and
sightseeing – so it’s all about enjoying the
destination and not a stress when the surf’s
not up.
JUST IN CASE: Make sure you go to a
destination where there are decent
medical facilities.
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