Daily Mail - 01.08.2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Daily Mail, Thursday, August 1, 2019

By Victoria Allen
Science Correspondent

YOUNG men can for the first time freeze
their hair follicles as an insurance policy
in case they go bald.
The Human Tissue Authority is reported
to have given a Manchester company
authorisation to set up the world’s
first hair bank.
From next week, men over 18 will be
able to pay around £2,000 to store hair
follicles, just as women freeze their eggs
to start a family when they are older.
The follicles can be used to create stem
cells which can be used to promote hair
growth later in the patient’s life.
This would be a less painful alternative
to hair transplants and may avoid the side
effects of using powerful drugs such as

finasteride to stimulate growth. However,
experts caution that research does not
yet show cloned cells work for baldness.
At the follicle bank, which is also open to
women concerned about hair loss, a
patient will have about 100 hair follicles
taken from the back of their head. The
procedure can be carried out in less
than an hour.
Doctors will freeze the follicles at minus
180C before extracting the dermal papilla
cells – stem cells which ‘talk’ to skin cells
to create a shaft in the skin from which

hair grows. Older people losing their hair
have worn-out hair follicles which
grow fewer hairs that are also shorter
and thinner.
An injection of cells cloned in the labora-
tory from their younger follicles could
supercharge those older follicles to grow
thicker, better quality hair.
Hair restoration surgeon Dr Bessam
Farjo of biotechnology firm HairClone,
said: ‘It stops the clock on ageing
and we hope could make hair loss a thing
of the past.’
Dr Asim Shahmalak, president of the Tri-
chological Society and a hair transplant
surgeon based in London and Manchester,
said: ‘After many decades, it is hopeful for

men that there is something new availa-
ble for dealing with hair loss. This would
be much less invasive than a hair trans-
plant, although there is not yet evidence
that cloning cells from hair follicles will
work. It is the goal of researchers to use
cells in this way to stimulate hair to grow
thicker and maintain density.’
The Manchester firm currently only has
authorisation to bank hair follicles and
not so far to use them on patients.
Dr Farjo said: ‘There is no one-off fix as
hair loss is progressive and a patient will
need to have additional treatments every
few years in order to rejuvenate newly
thinning follicles as the balding
process progresses.’

Hair we go again! Freeze follicles to fight baldness

By Susie Coen

reported that her body has still
not been recovered, as it fell into
an area of savannah where wild
animals roam.
Dr David Woodman of Robinson
College, Cambridge, said the uni-

versity was ‘deeply shocked’ by the
news of Miss Cutland’s death. ‘In
her two years here, she made a
huge contribution to many differ-
ent aspects of life in the college,’ he
said. ‘She will be sorely missed by
us all. The college extends its sin-
cerest condolences to Alana’s fam-
ily at this extremely difficult time.’
As well as being the vice president
of student-run dance group Cutazz,
Miss Cutland was also involved in
the campus yoga and mindfulness
society. ‘She was amazing, one of
the most beautiful and pure girls

I’ve ever known, inside and out,’ a
friend told The Sun.
‘The whole thing has been a
nightmare for her family and
friends back home in the UK. We
knew she was getting some sort of
plane trip last week to study the
seabed on a neighbouring island,
but then contact went dead and
we started to fear the worst.
‘Alana had so much going for her.
She loved animals and nature and
was over the moon to be going to
Madagascar to pursue her passion.’
Miss Cutland is believed to have

been travelling with a pilot and
one other passenger when trag-
edy struck. Local reports said
investigators would attempt to
solve the mystery of why she fell
out of the plane using a recon-
struction of the flight.
A spokesman for the Foreign
Office said: ‘We are in contact with
the Madagascan government,
police and aviation authorities fol-
lowing reports of the death of a
British woman. Our staff are offer-
ing support to her family.’
[email protected]

Tragic plunge: A Cessna light aircraft, thought to be similar
to the one Alana Cutland fell from shortly after take-off

Riddle: Officials inspect plane

A CAMBRIDGE University
student has died after falling
from a plane during an intern-
ship in Madagascar.
Alana Cutland, 19, reportedly
plunged 5,000ft from the light
aircraft shortly after take-off.
The natural sciences student, from
Milton Keynes, had been working on
the biology of crabs in East Africa.
Her family said she was ‘particularly
excited’ to carry out research in the
Indian Ocean, having raised the money
to fund her trip to Madagascar herself.
She was described by relatives as a
‘bright, independent young woman’ who
had a ‘thirst for discovering more of the
world’. In a statement released through
the Foreign Office, the family said:
‘Alana was a bright, independent young

of people from all walks of life,
who we know will miss her dearly.
‘Alana grasped every opportunity
that was offered to her with enthu-
siasm and a sense of adventure,
always seeking to extend her
knowledge and experience in the
best ways possible.’
They added: ‘Alana was also a
talented dancer and embraced
the more creative side of her tal-
ents with joy and commitment.
Her thirst for discovering more of
the world always ensured she
made the most of every second of
her action-packed young life.
‘We are heartbroken at the loss
of our wonderful, beautiful daugh-
ter, who lit up every room she
walked into, and made people
smile just by being there.’
Miss Cutland died while flying
over the isolated northern region
of Anjajavy last Thursday, but
details were only released by offi-
cials yesterday. Local media

Horror at


000 feet

Cambridge science student falls from

plane during internship in Madagascar

‘Grasped every


Travels: Miss Cutland funded her
own trip to Madagascar, above

woman, who was loved and admired by
all those that knew her.
‘She was always so kind and support-
ive, which resulted in her having a very
special connection with a wide network
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