Verve – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

“New York and New Delhi are both tough cities. People are often

aggressive — they will run you over! That being said, some of my

closest friends are true New Yorkers and Delhiites. Once you break

through the hard exterior, you find loyal and generous people.”

“I miss New York’s energy — I haven’t
lived in another city with a similar
pace. It’s a kaleidoscope of quirky
characters and subcultures. I miss
taking the bus to Fort Tilden, an old
army installation in Queens, and
wandering through the graffitied
bunkers on the beach; losing myself
in Chinatown’s fish markets; and the
super lively rooftop parties.”

“For me, home is not so much a place as it is a state of mind. Growing up in a small town in Arizona,

I shifted to New York for college. I never considered New York home, but I appreciated what it offered

me — a new pace of life, rigorous education, the chance to meet people from all over. When I moved
abroad, I was looking for adventure, but I was also searching for my own little corner on this crowded
planet. But even after almost four years abroad, I don’t know how to answer the question ‘When are
you going home?’ Does it have to mean my country of origin? We live in an increasingly globalised
world, and that’s largely a good thing, but it challenges my idea of ‘home’.”


New York —> New Delhi
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