Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 13

ing, and the one for the EBA that afternoon. Nico-
las Hubert, from the Yamadori Bonsai 04 club,
landed the title of New French Talent, and En-
rico Masini of Italy that of New European Talent.

No podium
Topping the programme were the demonstra-
tions – 13 in total, including two for the EBA by
Gabriel Romero Aguade (Spain) and Enzo Ferrari
(Switzerland), and others for the FFB by: Stanis-
las Hoarau; Olivier Barreau assisted by Cédric
Di Maggio and Julien Macaluso; Michel Brohet;
Jean-Bernard Gallais and Gilles Bouclier; Fran-
cisco Ferreira and Olivier Noël; Alain Quairel;
Michel Augeix and Jean Croizer; Jean Marc
Ladagnous and Bruno Simon; Pierre Rudelle and
Ronan Le Bras; Jean-François Busquet assisted by
Serge Alcacer; and Quentin Vanfleteren. The dem-
onstrators were intentionally placed on the same
level as the audience rather than on the podium,
to remove barriers and facilitate exchanges with
the public. “Feedback from visitors was positive,
but from demonstrators was a bit less so, be-
cause their egos took a hit,” remarks Jean-Marc
Pouillon, smiling. There was a regrettable lack
of spectators at these demonstrations, and ••• Enzo Ferrari with a pine.

FFB “Outstanding
Tre e ”: Pinus
uncinata, mountain
pine, Jean Marc
Ladagnous. Height:
69 cm (27 in.).

One of the many
here, some very
delicate work by
Gabriel Romero

Jean-François Busquet worked
on a Phoenicean juniper.
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