Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
22 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101

and people

Esprit Bonsai International: What led
you to bonsai?
David Benavente: I have always belie-
ved one must be creative in life, not just
in the artistic sense. I like to know how
things work. I have always learnt by rea-
soning based on trial and error, rather
than memorising what someone else
has taught me. It is what motivated me
from the age of 14. I was already gravita-
ting towards bonsai, either at the house
or bonsai clubs, as well as retail outlets

Interview: Isabel Ribeiro
Photos: Isabel Ribeiro, unless otherwise stated

Nearly ten years ago,

David Benavente, one

of the most talented

Spanish artists of his

generation, established

his bonsai collection

and nursery on a

hillside near Madrid.

David Benavente

“I let the tree

dictate to me”

Established near Madrid,
David Benavente is a
creative artist. He searches,
experiments and expresses
himself through trees,
which he would like to
free from the formalism of
European exhibitions. He is
seen here demonstrating
on a Juniperus sabina at
the European Bonsai-San
show in Saulieu in 2017.
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