Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
62 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101

� Spotlight
on Broadleaves

We hold a deep conviction that art,
whatever form it takes, should follow
the course of history. It has been thus
through time, regardless of the form of
creativity being employed – painting,
sculpture, comic books, etc. And
since we are living in uncertain, pre-
apocalyptic times, we feel it is important
that bonsai also offers the possibility of
expressing this emotion that many of
us currently share. We aren’t asking to
be understood, or for everyone to love
what we do; we are simply asserting
the right to create freely, and for years
of hard work to be respected. �

The kakemono, by Hervé Dora. The illustrator
has Uncle Sam saying “We don’t need you”.

TheTrophy 2019,
in Genk, Belgium.

© Michèle Corbihan
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