iCloud backup for Macs would be nice.
vested interested in knowing exactly what
you’re doing online. The router business
isn’t sexy, but it is critical.
Over the past several years, Apple
has slowly improved its iCloud online
service, adding features to compete
with the likes of Microsoft, Google,
and Dropbox. But one area has always
fallen a little short: backup.
Yes, Apple has provided ways to back
up iOS devices to iCloud, but it’s never
extended that same courtesy to Macs. And
though we may store many of our
important documents in the cloud these
days, it’s still important to have reliable and
trustworthy backups on top of that.
In the past, this
may have been an
issue of
capacities: Macs,
after all, had huge
hard drives, and
iPhones and iPads
relatively little
storage by
comparison. But
these days, you
can buy an iPhone
with 512GB of
storage or an iPad
Pro with a
terabyte, about
the same capacities offered on most Macs.
If I can back up my 512GB iPad to iCloud,
then why not my 512GB iMac? Surely, Mac
users deserve the same peace of mind of
an offsite backup of their critical files as
iOS users do. ■
You can buy an iPad Pro with a terabyte of storage.