That’s at least three clicks in this
example to get to the images. Picktorial
is a photo application—why would I want
to view more folders, or the contents of
just one folder at a time? I can do that in
the Finder.
Lest I’m dwelling too much on
annoyances, I’ll counter by pointing out
that Picktorial now includes a Quick Album
feature that lets you specify a target album
and add any image to it by selecting the
shot and pressing the B key. I also
appreciate that the application properly
treats Raw+JPEG pairs as a single image,
with the option to choose which version
you want to edit.
Picktorial also does a fine job
supporting external drives and NAS
(network-attached storage) devices on
your network. If a volume you’ve added to
Picktorial isn’t already connected, the
application will mount it automatically
The ability to browse folders in Picktorial could use some usability improvements.