Airgun World – July 2019

(ff) #1 AIRGUN WORLD 27




The editor has detected a spring-gun rebound –

and he thinks we should all get involved in the movement


ands up, I’m a full-on, flat-out, died-in-the-
wool springer enthusiast, and I always will
be. The joys of spring is one of my ‘evangelical’
subjects, and regular readers will have endured
my sermons more than once. Familarity grants
no immunity in this magazine, so here I am
again, mounting that sturdy soapbox and
spreading the good springer news.
My constant contact with the readers of
Airgun World and the shooting trade has
revealed an upturn in spring-gun sales, right
across the board. Springers never really went
away, but they’re currently bouncing back at a
rate that pleases me immensely. I think you
should be happy about this, too, and here’s why.

For we spring-piston rifle fans, the appeal of
these airguns has many levels, a few of which
I’ll highlight, here, beginning with a bit of a
controversial one. You see, most of us believe
springers are prettier than pre-charged
pneumatics. Oh yes we do, and whilst we not
claiming PCPs are ugly, we know that few, if

any can match the pure visual attraction of,
say, the BSA Airsporter, the Weihrauch
HW35E, or the subject of this month’s Editor’s
Test, the Air Arms Pro-Sport.
I published that very opinion in these pages
some years back, and it earned me a proper
telling off from one of the most respected men
in the airgun business, Daystate Director, the
late Ken Gibbon. Ken was a classy, dignified
man, but he dropped his customary cool that

day, and gave me a ‘robust’ dressing down. I
remained unrepentant and we agreed to
disagree, but that encounter proved once and
for all that looks matter, even if some pretend
otherwise. There’s much more to commend
springers, though.

Springers aren’t as easy to shoot accurately,
compared to PCPs, because spring guns make
demands on us. They won’t readily forgive
inconsistent handling, being rested on firm
surfaces, or any lack of follow-through at the
end of our shooting sequence. These demands
are non-negotiable and seen by most as
disadvantages, when they’re the exact
opposite. Springers are the mechanical
equivalent of the strict teacher you had at
school. You knew you couldn’t mess around in
class, and as a consequence you learned
more. Spring-piston rifles, through their
intolerance of poor technique, will train you to
become a better shooter. Anyone who can
shoot a springer well, can also shoot a PCP to a
high standard, but there’s no vice-versa to that. »

The understated elegance of springers was established a long, long time ago.

The ease of DIY fettling is another area of appeal
for springer fans.
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