Elle Decor USA - 09.2019

(lily) #1

RIGHT: Lauder family photographs are displayed
next to an Aerin vase. BELOW RIGHT: A custom
dining table and circa-1930 cafeteria chairs by
Prouvé in the dining room; the Isamu Noguchi Akari
lamp is vintage. OPPOSITE: Prouvé’s midcentury
Presidential desk, swivel chair, and bookshelf in the
living room. The vintage sconce is by Serge Mouille,
and the artwork is by Jean Dubuffet.

city. To renovate it, they hired Antoine Stinco,
the French architect who had recently redone
the Jeu de Paume galleries in the Tuileries Gar-
den. Stinco erased the flat’s Frenchness, refit-
ting it with a sycamore interior that makes it
feel “as if you’re on a boat, with a lot of built-in
headboards and night tables,” Lauder says. “It
really has this wonderful, peaceful feeling in
the midst of this lively city.”
Stinco’s minimalist base perfectly sets
off the family’s exceptional collection of
modernist gems, like the Royère sofa, the
Georges Jouve ceramics, Yves Klein’s Victory
of Samothrace sculpture on the glass-topped
Carlo Mollino table, and rare furnishings by
Jean Prouvé. (Stinco studied in the studio
of Édouard Albert, Paul Herbé, and Prouvé
at Paris’s École des Beaux-Arts.) Now that

It really has this

wonderful, peaceful

feeling in the midst of

this lively city.


Lauder’s father has semi-retired from the
family firm—“He still sits on the board,” she
notes—her parents spend a good deal more
time at the Paris apartment. “It’s their absolute
paradise,” she says.
Above all, it is a family home—“cozy,” as
Lauder describes it, filled as much with mem-
orabilia as it is with gallery and auction finds.
In the hallway, for example, is a modern print
of Sunday New York Times—Ti n a B a r ney ’s
famous 1982 large-scale photograph of a fam-
ily reading the paper at the breakfast table.
Next to that image is an equally massive pho-
tograph, also by Barney, of the Lauder tribe in
the kitchen of Estée’s estate in Wainscott, New
York, in 1995—the same house where Lauder
married investment banker Eric Zinterhofer
a year later. (Eventually, Estée gave the house
to Aerin.) “Tina is a very good friend of my
mother’s, and she actually shot our wedding,”

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