Animal Talk

(avery) #1


id you know that the number of
hours your dog sleeps is linked to
his breed? On average, most dogs
sleep between 12 and 14 hours per day, but
breed activity levels also play a role in sleep
requirements. Active breeds may sleep
less, with smaller breeds and larger breeds
enjoying extra sleep hours.

In humans, sleep hygiene is important for
rejuvenating the body and is essential for
growth, healing and good mental health. If
you aren’t getting enough sleep, your memory
and productivity can be greatly affected
the following day. For dogs, sleep is also
important for physical health, growth and
emotional wellbeing.

Sleep hours
In addition to breed, other factors will influence
how many hours your dog sleeps per day.

Just like human babies, tiny puppies sleep
around 20 to 22 hours per day. As he grows,
his sleep needs change and he’ll settle into a

Sweet dreams

How important is sleep for your dog and what should you consider when choosing a bed?

Text: Gina Hartoog | Photography: Dora Zett, RomeoLu, Tr3gin

A dog needs a
comfortable bed
where he can have
a peaceful rest.

Dogs sleep on average
between 12 and 14
hours a day

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