Animal Talk

(avery) #1
If you have an active dog, like one of the breeds
profiled on page 24, or another active furry dynamo,
then don’t miss the article on games to play with
your dog in the May issue of Animaltalk magazine.

dog activities



ou and Fido tried agility at the
beginning of the year, but the two
of you just found it too exhausting.
Now you want to try something more
relaxed. Why don’t you try doggy yoga?
Although doggy yoga is a somewhat new
craze, it will most probably stay due to its
health benefits. Ansi van der Walt, senior
physiotherapist at Fitness for Pets, answers
our questions about doggy yoga.

What is doggy yoga?
Doggy yoga is a fun dog exercise class where
we help dogs build healthier bodies. The
focus is on improving flexibility, balance and
strength in a positive and safe way. Doggie
yoga also emphasises calmness and focus.

How does doggy yoga work?
Doggie yoga classes start off with a guided
massage session, during which the owner
learns to identify potential problems in their
dog through touch. This is followed by fun
yet challenging exercises using a variety
of equipment, including exercise balls and
balance beams. At the end of the class, owners
are guided through a stretching session for
their dogs.

Who can partake in
doggy yoga?
Literally any dog, any age and any physical
condition can benefit from doggie yoga. The
exercises are designed to be safe and low
impact. Each dog progresses at his own pace,

and the instructor helps every dog with
exercises to suit specific difficulties they may
be having.

How much training is needed
for doggy yoga?
None! Each dog starts at his own level.

Are there any competition to
take part in?
No. Doggie yoga is about celebrating each
individual dog and their unique abilities.
Competition creates a focus on what others are
doing and achieving. Doggie yoga encourages
dog owners to focus on their own dog’s unique
abilities, and help each individual dog to
progress in a way that is best for him.

How do I know if doggy yoga
is for me and my dog?
Doggy yoga is for every dog. Maintaining body
strength and flexibility helps your dog to age
in a healthier way, reducing the symptoms of
many age-related problems such as arthritis.
Young dogs need to learn how to use their
bodies in a healthy way, so that they are at
less risk of developing injuries. Most dogs act
before they think, so all dogs can benefit from
better body awareness, balance and flexibility.

Where can people get more
You can go to our website, http://www.fitness4pets.
com, for more information and to find a
consultant who can help you.

Puppies can safely do doggy yoga, and it
is great for their physical development.

for you?

doggy yoga


A fun way towards
a healthier body
Free download pdf