July 2019
ISSN 0950-
Air-Britain News is normally posted by around the 27th of each month. Queries regarding non-delivery should not be made before the 6th of the
following month (UK), 12th (overseas). Any delays will be shown on the website deliveries page.
Please note, editors’ close-out is the last Thursday of the month: For the August 2019 issue it will be 25th July and for the September 2019 issue it will
be 29th August. If possible, please send your contributions a little before these dates to assist the section editors!
COVER: One of the many Dakotas that crossed the Atlantic and gathered at Duxford to participate in the celebrations for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day was
DC-3C NC33611 in the colours of Pan American Airways. [John Roach]
United Kingdom Register ..................Alan Johnson ......................................................... JUL.
AHUK Register ..............................Lloyd Robinson ................................................NOT THIS ISSUE
Around & About ...........................Stuart McDiarmid ...................................................... JUL.
United States Register .....................Barrie Towey ......................................................... JUL.
Overseas Registers ........................Ian Burnett ............................................................ JUL.
Display Diary ..............................Trevor Warren ......................................................... JUL.
Hot Air Ballooning ........................Mel Kirby ............................................................... JUL.
Preservation Notes ........................Bob Ogden ............................................................ JUL.
Military Aviation ...........................Steven Wells and David Woods ....................................... JUL.
Emergency Services ........................Bryn Elliott ............................................................ JUL.
Islander News ..............................BN Historians ...................................................NOT THIS ISSUE
Biz-Props .................................Ton van Soest ......................................................... JUL.
Biz-Jets ....................................Steven Sowter ......................................................... JUL.
Commercial Airline News ..................Stephen Moon ......................................................... JUL.
Commercial Scene ........................ Colin Frost, Mark Gould, David Garbett, Peter Hillman,
Stephen Jakeman and Charlie Stewart ................................. JUL.
Editor: Sue Bushell, 10 Crosslands, Fringford, Oxon OX27 8DF. Email [email protected]
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We depend on the goodwill of aircra owners and airfield operators to pursue our hobby. Please ensure that your conduct does not bring disrepute
to Air-Britain or create difficulties for the wider enthusiast community. Take care to obtain the appropriate permissions to visit facilities and take
photographs, and to stay within the law. Remember, although photos taken at a particular location may have appeared in a publication, this does not
mean that you also have permission to take pictures there. The Air-Britain Code of Conduct is on the reverse of your membership card – it’s in everybody’s
interests that you abide by it.