Model Airplane News – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Spektrum DX6 (spektrum, AR636A receiver
(installed on the BNF version); mini
servos installed in the airframe
E-flite 70mm w/ 2860Kv
brushless motor and 70A speed
control w/ BEC (installed)
Spektrum Smart 6S 3200mAh

Th ings get a little tight in the equipment compartment, but everything fi ts. Th e new
Smart Technology LiPo performed well.

Four of the six wing attachment screws. Tail installation is similar—no adhesives

Th e underside of the port wing showing retracts, servos, and linkages. Everything
shown is preinstalled.

I marked the wing with the recommended balance point for a center-of-gravity
check. With the battery location I was using with the Smart battery, it was slightly
nose-heavy, which was easily corrected.

nicely hug the surface contours. Th e scheme
itself is a fantasy scheme, never having been
worn by any actual Viper, and I expect the
model will see some interesting and exotic
paint jobs by the makeover crowd.
Th e included assembly manual is well
illustrated and complete. It includes all the
instructions you’ll need to assemble and set
up your Viper, including details on how to set
up the SAFE function and AS3X stabilization
system. Personal preference caused me to
opt out of the SAFE option, but my previous
experience with the AS3X feature on other
E-fl ite off erings allows me to validate the
value of its use.
Th ere are a few things that you should
know about if you are a relative newcomer
to this type of model and are considering
getting one of your own. A great deal of
thought went into the actual design of the
airframe and the component integration,
such as the inlet ducting, fan placement, and
hatch attachment. It’s a great-fl ying model
without the typical shrill, high-pitched sound

we’ve come to expect from traditional low-
blade-count (fi ve or six) rotors; 12 blades do
the trick here. Th is quiets things down and
actually creates a sound more like a turbine
than a dog whistle. Th e model employs the
70mm E-fl ite fan unit driven by a 2850Kv
brushless motor. Coupled to a 6S LiPo
feeding through a 70A speed control, this
unit delivers sparkling performance in the
Th e winglets add to the plane’s “swoopy”
looks and are integrally molded into the
wing. Th ey may be susceptible to damage,
however, from loading or unloading from
your car rather than actual fl ight operation,
so be careful.
Th e preinstalled electric retracts are
rugged, but the strut wire, especially for the
nose gear, seemed a bit soft. Keep that in
mind if you fl y off grass fi elds.

I balanced my model 3 1/2 inches behind the
wing cutout on the fuselage, and that seems

to be its “sweet spot.”
Stability: Th e Viper’s proportions hint that
it’s going to be very stable, and you won’t be
Tracking: Th e model tracks true throughout
nearly all maneuvers. Given that it’s a
prebuilt, molded-foam almost-ready-
to-fl y plane, the likelihood of warps is
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