FlightCom Magazine 46
Aviati on Services
- Wheel overhaul and Repair Services
- Brake Overhaul and Repair Services
- Non-Destructi ve Testi ng on Aircraft
- Hydro Stati c Testi ng
- Oxygen bott les
- Fire Exti nguishers
- Safety Equipment
- Aircraft Weighing
o Small aircraft s up to larger B737, A320, L-382
Your one-stop-shop for repairs and overhauls of aviati on rotables and special processes.
BNT Internati onal (PTY) Ltd
Unit D3, Denel Industrial Park
Denel North Entrance (off Atlas Road), Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa, 1619
Tel. +27 11 395 1677
Email: info@bnt-int.co.za
Website: http://www.bnt-int.co.za
- Quality • Safety • Service Excellence • Honest Pricing
AMO 1288
SA Flyer 2019|05