Diabetic Living USA – July 2019

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Diabetic Living

® (ISSN 1552-8065), August (Fall) 2019, Volume 16, No. 4. Diabetic Living is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by Meredith Corp., 1716 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309-3023. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, IA, and at additional mailing

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hink about how it feels when you watch a sun-
rise. The air is still misty, the grass is wet, and
the earth begins to wake. Blue, rose, and gold
colors expand across the sky. You might feel vibrant,
awake, invigorated.
Most people aren’t able to catch the sunrise every
morning. But everyone has the ability to visualize one
at any time of day. Doing so can help you remind your-
self of the vitality and peace that is ever available.
This breath-balancing technique uses the colors
of the sunrise to relax your mind and energize your
body. Read all of the steps through before you begin.
Then, rest in a comfortable seated position and give
it a try.


See the Sunrise

Visualizing the colors of a sunrise can
bring peace and calm—any time of day.




  1. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
    Turn your attention inward and pay attention
    to your breath expanding through your chest
    as you inhale and exhale through your nose.
    Allow your inhalations and exhalations to ex-
    tend to a length that feels comfortable.

  2. On an inhale, imagine that you are breath-
    ing in a blue, sky-colored light that washes
    through your body from your toes all the
    way to the crown of your head.

  3. Pause, drop your chin slightly, as if you
    were holding an orange under it, and visu-
    alize a pink rose mist swirling into every
    cell of your body.

  4. When you are ready, breathe out and imagine
    a golden light surrounding your entire body.

  5. Repeat the visualization as you continue to
    breathe in and out through your nose. Con-
    tinue for as long as is comfortable, working
    to match the length of your inhalations with
    the length of your exhalations. When you
    are ready, gently open your eyes and move
    along with your day.


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