Diabetic Living USA – July 2019

(Ron) #1


Nighttime Hypoglycemia
If your blood sugar drops too low during the night, your
body might crank out hormones like adrenaline to counter
that response, says Scheiner, who is also the founder and clin-
ical director of Integrated Diabetes Services in Wynnewood,
Pennsylvania. Th is rebound, called the Somogyi eff ect, causes
the liver to release more stored sugar that raises blood glucose.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Monitor your blood sugar
several times during the nightideally using a continuous
glucose monitorto help identify if and when you experience
hypoglycemia. And be alert for common symptoms of
nightt ime lows: sweating, nightmares, and waking up with a
headache. If you do experience hypoglycemia, you may need a
medication change such as less insulin or insulin secretagogue,
a diff erent type of medication, or a change in dosing schedule.
If you’re unable to adjust your prescriptions, a carb-containing
snack at bedtime like yogurt or a peanut butt er sandwich may
do the trick.


Delayed Effects of Fatty Foods
Blood sugar levels typically peak within an hour or so
aft er eating. However, a high-fat dinner containing fried foods,
pizza, or cheesy casseroles might delay this normal jump
in blood sugar until the morning. Why? Large amounts of
dietary fat can make it harder for insulin to do its job, explains
Scheiner. Plus, fat slows down digestion and absorption,
which could cause blood sugar to peak later than usual.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Opt for fi sh, skinless poultry,
beans, and vegetables sautéed in olive oil over foods high in
saturated fat like fried foods and those covered in cheese. Filling
up half your plate with vegetables can also help cut portion sizes
of other foodsand your fat intake from those foods.

The bottom line
Isolating a single reason for elevated fasting blood sugar levels
is tricky because there are so many diff erent factors at play, ex-
plains Scheiner. “We must take a holistic view and play detec-
tive,” he adds. Measure your blood sugar oft en and keep notes
about medications, exercise, and food intake. Share all of this
information with your health care team and allow them to play
detective with you.



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