Woman’s Weekly UK – 06 August 2019

(Dana P.) #1

Stayingtogetherfora lifetime


couples– andtherearefaithful









28 womansweekly.com


lthough staying with a partner for life is quite
rare among animals, there are exceptions – and
for some it’s very much ‘till death do us part’.
Whether it’s a matter of survival, staying together
for the kids or simply doting on their partners, these
monogamous animals prove the power of love...

of my life

Gibbons: All together now...

Bald Eagles: Love is in the air

Long-term relationships
are rare in primates,
but gibbons form a
strong bond and work
together to raise a
family. Grooming one
another, hanging out
and swinging through
trees, these adorable
creatures are likely to
pair off and stay with
one partner until they
die. Although they may
occasionally stray to
other mates, the gibbon
will always come back
to their partner at the
end of the day.

Many birds are
monogamous, but often
for only one nesting or
season. However, these
stunning birds of prey may
fly solo when they’re
migrating, but as soon
as mating season comes
around they return to that
same special someone,
year after year.
As the male finds
himself helping to keep
the eggs warm and feeding
their eaglets, both Mum

and Dad do their bit for
the family. And nothing
demonstrates their love
like their spectacular
mating ritual. Known as
the ‘cartwheel courtship
flight’, these amorous
birds meet mid-flight,
lock talons, and then flip,
tumble and twirl as they
free-fall through the air,
releasing from each other
only at the last minute.
Looks to us like the
ultimate trust test!
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