BeanScene – August 2019

(Barry) #1

Make the best purchase of the year and book your tickets to

MICE2020 to secure your position at the hottest coffee event,

and parties, in town.


en years ago, hoards of
footy fanatics would line
up at the crack of dawn,
some camped overnight,
in order to gain first pick
of AFL finals tickets as the clock struck
9am in a first come, first served basis.
Some may recall gathering at university
libraries minutes before tickets to top
music festivals were released. Students
would click refresh on repeat with the
lucky few proudly boasting their win.

On 1 August, coffee fans felt the same
rush of adrenaline when tickets to the
Melbourne International Coffee Expo
(MICE) 2020 went live.
“The official ticket launch is a sign
that MICE2020 is well and truly on
the horizon. Next year’s event is such a
highly anticipated one, so it’s essential that
visitors make the most of early bird ticket
sales to gain their place at the Southern
Hemisphere’s biggest dedicated coffee
event, and at the best prices,” says MICE

Show Director Lauren Winterbottom.
MICE2020 visitors can maximise sale
opportunities with early bird general ticket
sales of $30 for a one-day pass, $40 for a
two-day pass, and $50 for a four-day pass.
Ticket prices include access to the expo and
viewing of the World Barista Championship
(WBC) and World Brewers Cup (WBrC).
Early bird rates apply until 31 October.
“Next year’s event is a four-day
extravaganza. For those that plan to book
out their entire week and maximise every


party time

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ake the best purchase of the year and book your tickets to Mak

MICE2020 to secure your position at the hottest coffee event,

and parties, in town.


en years ago, hoards of
footy fanatics would line
up at the crack of dawn,
some camped overnight,
in order to gain first pick
of AFL finals tickets as the clock struck
9am in a first come, first served basis.
Some may recall gathering at university
libraries minutes before tickets to top
music festivals were released. Students
would click refresh on repeat with the
lucky few proudly boasting their win.

On 1 August, coffee fans felt the same
rush of adrenaline when tickets to the
Melbourne International Coffee Expo
(MICE) 2020 went live.
“The official ticket launch is a sign
that MICE2020 is well and truly on
the horizon. Next year’s event is such a
highly anticipated one, so it’s essential that
visitors make the most of early bird ticket
sales to gain their place at the Southern
Hemisphere’s biggest dedicated coffee
event, and at the best prices,” says MICE

Show Director Lauren Winterbottom.
MICE2020 visitors can maximise sale
opportunities with early bird general ticket
sales of $30 for a one-day pass, $40 for a
two-day pass, and $50 for a four-day pass.
Ticket prices include access to the expo and
viewing of the World Barista Championship
(WBC) and World Brewers Cup (WBrC).
Early bird rates apply until 31 October.
“Next year’s event is a four-day
extravaganza. For those that plan to book
out their entire week and maximise every

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