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hen I installed two
BLMA cantilever sig-
nal bridges on my for-
mer HO scale layout,
I wanted them to be
easy to remove if I later wanted to use
them elsewhere, or just wanted them out
of the way while I was working on that
part of the model railroad.
I devised a mounting system so
I could just plug them in without using
any glue to hold them. Basically, I made
a socket for each signal and extended the
four legs on the signal post with pieces of
styrene tube.
The socket is attached to the layout,
and I plug the signal bridge into it. It’s a
tight fit, so the signal is stable, but it can
easily be pulled up if needed. The system
was pretty easy to make. I had to make
some kind of base for the signal anyway,
because the BLMA signal comes without
the concrete foundation the prototype
is placed on. [Atlas Model Railroad
Co. Inc. purchased BLMA in January
- –Ed.]
This simple system makes it easy to take the bridge out of the way
while working on the layout
By Pelle Søeborg • Photos by the author
Maintaining the signals is a top priority for Union Pacific on Pelle Søeborg’s HO scale Midwestern layout. Pelle simplified
maintenance for himself by creating a plug to hold the signals while allowing them to be easily removed.
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