everything’srelative 5
63 Document Detective
Fill the gaps in your British family tree with this guide
to the 1939 Register of England & Wales.
by George G. Morgan
64 Now What?
Expert tips on ancient
genealogy and Irish birthplaces.
by David A. Fryxell
66 Tech Toolkit
by Sunny Jane Morton
Updates from GEDmatch and 23andMe, plus
volunteer projects and free genealogy seminars 66
How to create a photo card 68
Roundup: Life-story writing 69
Website highlight: Ancestry’s MyTreeTags 70
DNA Q&A by Diahan Southard 71
6 Staff Picks
Fascinating fi nds from the world of family history.
by the Editors of Family Tree Magazine
8 Timeline
Hot off the presses: The history of paper.
by David A. Fryxell
10 Stories to Tell
One researcher fi nds a family Bible sitting right under her nose.
by Sunny Jane Morton
12 Your Turn
Preserve your passwords and login information with our Website
Account Tracker.
14 Family History Home
Save the treasured memories in diaries and journals with these tips.
by Denise May Levenick
Out on a Limb 3
Tree Talk 4
The Rest is History 72
Family Tree Magazine (ISSN 1529-0298) is published seven times per year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September, October/November and December by F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company,
10151 Carver Road, Suite 300, Blue Ash, OH 45242; telephone (513) 531-2690. Copyright ©2019 F+W Media, Inc., Vol. 20, No. 5, March/April 2019. Subscription rates: one year, $36. Canadian subscriptions add $8 per year,
other foreign subscriptions add $10 per year for surface mail or $35 per year for air mail and remit in US funds. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Family Tree Magazine, Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32141; return
undeliverable Canadian addresses to Box 1632, Windsor, Ontario N9A 7C9. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio and additional mailing offi ces. Produced and printed in the USA.
treetips 61