Family Tree USA – September 2019

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In your searches, you’ll have the option
of selecting Match All Terms Exactly. A
search with this option will return only
results that match the text in all fi elds
you fi lled in. This can be a useful option
if you’re trying to narrow down your results, but this can also
exclude relevant matches that contain spelling errors or simply
omit specifi c details.


VISIT A FAMILY HISTORY CENTER. plans to upload all of
its records within the next few years.
But in the meantime, you may need to
access records that haven’t yet been
digitized. Check with your local Fam-
ily History Center <> to
see what resources they hold. These repositories, scattered

Andrew Koch is the editor in chief of Family Tree Magazine. He’s not
superstitious, but he is a little stitious.


Our records checklist (which you can fi nd
in the July/August 2019 issue of Family Tree
Magazine or in our downloadable collection
of forms <
r6717>) will help you keep track of what
records you’ll fi nd for each ancestor.

throughout the world, often hold valuable records in book,
microfi lm and microfi che formats. Staff members at the
facilities will also be happy to help you look for records,
and may know key information about local history and
record sets.
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