Barbie South Africa – August 2019

(Marcin) #1


n Sweetville the Notto
Prince announces that
he has a big surprise for
everyone! They gather
around to see what it is. it’s
a giant lemonade fountain!
he turns it on, but things don’t
go well – it starts spraying
lemonade everywhere! The
Notto Prince is embarrassed

and runs off.
chelsea goes to see
Notto and finds him with a
little blanket in his room. he
quickly hides it. chelsea
encourages Notto to try
make a fountain again,
but he tells her to leave
him alone.
chelsea goes back to

Barbie and they think of
ways to make the fountain
work. chelsea comes up with
a great idea – they should
build a bubble generator
instead of a fountain!
They decide to build
it, with the help of all their
Sweetville friends, as a
surprise for Notto.

The Supersonic



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